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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Iker Arranz Otaegui, Ph.D. (University of California, Los Angeles)

Co-Editor: Tom Hertweck, Ph.D. (Fordham University)

Alison Klein Department of English University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Alvaro Arrizabalaga Research Groups Coordinator University of the Basque Country

Aviva Kana Department of Spanish and Portuguese University of California, Santa Barbara

Catherine Chaput English Department University of Nevada, Reno

César Dominguez Comparative Literature Department University of Santiago de Compostela

Cristina Moreiras-Menor Romance Languages and Literature Department Michigan University

Elizabete Manterola English, German, Translation and Interpreting Department University of the Basque Country

Érica Sarmineto da Silva Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNP; Faculty of History, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Frances Levine Director Missouri History Museum

Frank Ruda Institut für Philosophie Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Gloria Totoricaguena Idaho Policy and Consulting LLC

Gorka Espiau The Young Foundation (New York)

Iban Gallatebeitia KomuNER, NERLab | International Network for Organizatoinal Change

Iker Arranz Department of Modern Languages and Literatures California State University, Bakersfield

Imanol Galfarsoro Language Center Edge Hill University

Imanol Murua Faculty of Society and Communication Sciences University of the Basque Country

Jen Nelles University of Toronto

Joseba Agirreazkuenaga Department of History, PROSOPARLAM University of the Basque Country

Joseba Gabilondo Romance and Classical Studies Michigan State University

Joxerramon Bengoetxea Administrative and Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law University of the Basque Country

Kenneth Reinhard Department of Comparative Literature University of California, Los Angeles

Kevin Moore Stanford University

Mari Jose Olaziregi Department of Linguistics and Basque Studies University of the Basque Country

Oscar Alvarez Department of Medieval, Modern and American History University of the Basque Country

Osiris Gomez Department of Spanish and Portuguese University of California, Santa Barbara

Pedro Lopes Almeida Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Brown University

Ricardo Etxepare French National Center for Scientific Research 34 IkerBasque

Suzanne Jill Levine Department of Spanish and Portuguese University of California, Santa Barbara

Thomas Hertweck University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Unai Belaustegi Department of Contemporary History University of the Basque Country

Viola Miglio Department of Spanish and Portuguese University of California, Santa Barbara

Vittorio Buffachi University College Cork

Xabier Insausti Department of Philosophy University of the Basque Country