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Submission Guidelines
All submissions to Queer Cats should be made via email (
- Submissions accepted from current graduate students from any discipline, worldwide. We also accept work from tenure-track and independent scholars/artists.
- Submission is not currently being considered by another publication.
- Submission has not already been published by another journal.
- Preference will be given to work that is interdisciplinary, innovative, and/or challenges current perspectives in LGBTQ Studies.
- Work title, author name, and university affiliation on a separate title page (for anonymous review).
- Complete submission. Work that is in-progress will not be considered.
- CV/Resume. If work includes any copyrighted work beyond “fair use”, please include permissions for use of that material.
- Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.
- Formatted per the most recent Modern Language Association Style Manual or Chicago Manual of Style guidelines.
- Page length between 15-40 pages.
- End notes only.
- Papers must be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document.
- Photography and other visual art must be submitted as independent files in JPG format at least 72 dpi and no larger than 800×800 pixels.