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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Submission Guidelines

All submissions to Queer Cats should be made via email (


  1. Submissions accepted from current graduate students from any discipline, worldwide. We also accept work from tenure-­track and independent scholars/artists.
  2. Submission is not currently being considered by another publication.
  3. Submission has not already been published by another journal.
  4. Preference will be given to work that is interdisciplinary, innovative, and/or challenges current perspectives in LGBTQ Studies.


  1. Work title, author name, and university affiliation on a separate title page (for anonymous review).
  2. Complete submission. Work that is in-­progress will not be considered.
  3. CV/Resume. If work includes any copyrighted work beyond “fair use”, please include permissions for use of that material.


  1. Times New Roman, 12-­point font, double-­spaced.
  2. Formatted per the most recent Modern Language Association Style Manual or Chicago Manual of Style guidelines.
  3. Page length between 15-­40 pages.
  4. End notes only.
  5. Papers must be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document.
  6. Photography and other visual art must be submitted as independent files in JPG format at least 72 dpi and no larger than 800×800 pixels.