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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Pacific Regional Humanities Center (PRHC) Oral History Interviews

The Pacific Regional Humanities Center (PRHC) was an initiative funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2002 and overseen by the UC Davis Humanities Institute. Created to generate and broker humanities research and public programs for the Pacific United States and Territories--California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Marianas, the PRHC emphasized the study of "place" in its many dimensions, particularly alternative mappings of region that elude or defy conventional political or territorial boundaries. From 2003 through 2006, the PRHC worked primarily on oral history projects focused on Angel Island and Sutter Butte, producing the interviews archived here.

Cover page of SBOH-1, Diana Almanderez

SBOH-1, Diana Almanderez


SBOH-1, Diana Almanderez, Interviewer: Cynthia Guerrero, May 17, 2006

Cover page of AIOH-21, Hop Jeong

AIOH-21, Hop Jeong


AIOH-21, Hop Jeong, Interviewer Ian Durfee, March 22, 2006

Cover page of SBOH-8, Craig Tarke

SBOH-8, Craig Tarke


SBOH-8, Craig Tarke, Interviewer: Cora Stryker, March 3, 2006

Cover page of SBOH-9, Kermit Tarke

SBOH-9, Kermit Tarke


SBOH-9, Kermit Tarke, Interviewer: Cora Stryker, March 3, 2006

Cover page of SBOH-3, Margit Sands

SBOH-3, Margit Sands


SBOH-3, Margit Sands, Interviewer: Robyn Krock, March 2, 2006

Cover page of SBOH-6, Mary Spilman Crane

SBOH-6, Mary Spilman Crane


SBOH-6, Mary Spilman Crane, Interviewer: Alison Kootstra, February 24, 2006

Cover page of SBOH-7, Marty Steidlmayer

SBOH-7, Marty Steidlmayer


SBOH-7, Marty Steidlmayer, Interviewer: Robyn Krock, February 2, 2006

Cover page of SBOH-2, Walt Anderson

SBOH-2, Walt Anderson


SBOH-2, Walt Anderson, Interviewer: Robyn Krock, January 19, 2006

Cover page of AIOH-12, Marvin Tetsushi Uratsu

AIOH-12, Marvin Tetsushi Uratsu


AIOH-12, Marvin Tetsushi Uratsu, Interviewer Dew Ruiz, June 13, 2005