Personal Computing Industry Center

Parent: Paul Merage School of Business

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
5cg6g96mDell Computer: Organization of a Global Production Network582166140150126
1770046nWho Captures Value in a Global Innovation System? The case of Apple's iPod13226244141
7vn6n4z3Refining and Extending the Business Model with Information Technology: Dell Computer Corporation7920251717
4kq2q43hThe Impacts of IT on Firm and Industry Stucture: The Personal Computer Industry571024158
34c702g1Globalization of the Personal Computer Industry: Trends and Implications461115128
36c6q2t9Technology and Organizational Factors in the Notebook Industry Supply Chain461410157
77g0j9t7Administrative reform and information technology in the digital society46159139
2qd206g1Capturing Value in a Global Innovation Network: A Comparison of Radical and Incremental Innovation4191697
7wd45496RosettaNet: The Organization and the System38691211
3kd0d4qtAcer: An IT Company Learning to Use IT To Compete35810134
6wd9g1dwWho captures value from science-based innovation? The distribution of benefits from GMR in the hard disk drive industry33108123
1cj9k7dzImpacts of Globalization and Offshoring on Engineering Employment in the Personal Computing Industry3176153
9069n2sbThe Taiwanese Notebook Computer Production Network in China: Implication for Upgrading of the Chinese Electronics Industry2731293
7d12t1zcValue Capture in the Global Wind Energy Industry2555141
3g90g2zbSun Microsystems: Integrating its Own Enterprise215475
3p0989mtGlobalization in the Computer Industry: Implications of the Asian Production Network for the U.S.208741
5267284qOrganizing Global Knowledge Networks in the Electronics Industry207391
4v78b88rGlobalization of Innovation: The Personal Computing Industry193772
2hp3h1q3Mapping the Value of an Innovation: An Analytical Framework184572
4577855jApple Computer: The iCEO Seizes the Internet185463
58b311c4Offshoring of NPD in the Electronics Industry: Patterns and Recession Effects187281
5jr2k6z8The Tech-Enabled Neighborhood: Findings from an experience in Tecámac, Mexico185652
3d78s574Impacts of Liberalization and Economic Integration on Mexico's Computer Sector177532
22r9q7wpOffshoring of Software Development: Patterns and Recession Effects15636
2km4t3jtGateway Computer: Using E-commerce to move Beyond the Box and to move more boxes155262
48v8b1fsCompaq Computer: Information Technology in a Company in Transition14356
7897n4v9A Study of a Southern California Wired Community: Where Technology Meets Social Utopianism148222
5f3335bxGlobal Sourcing Choice and Firm Performance: Impacts of Firm Characteristics, Nature of the Activity and Strategic Motivation13445
6k91v8skUltra Wideband Technology and the Struggle to Adopt a Standard for the Consumer Electronics Industry13445
2892p9krMarket Potential Analysis: A Methodology of Estimating the Market Potential for Computers and Other Information Technologies122262
2mb5k9n9Closing the Digital Divide? The $100 PC and Other Projects for Developing Countries111451
3729t520Global Market Potential For Information Technology Products and Services10334
86979652Market Making in the PC Industry104141
4x18j3f9The Retail Model in the Computer Industry: eMachines9324
8gb1j04vMedion:The "Orchestrator" Business Model93141
3r01g80gKnowledge Management across Firm and National Boundaries: Notebook PC Design and Development7214

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.