JTAS Policies
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts will be considered for publication on the basis of their contributions to important and current discussions in Transnational American Studies, and their scholarly competence and originality.
There are 5 major steps to the peer review process:
- Upon receipt, each manuscript will be read by the assigned Managing Editor(s) to determine its suitability for publication prior to in-depth review. Manuscripts that are poorly prepared, of low technical quality, or otherwise inappropriate will be returned to the author(s) without additional review.
- All manuscripts initially approved by the Managing Editors will be “peer reviewed” anonymously by at least two scholars selected from a list of potential reviewers and/or members of the Advisory Board.
- The Managing Editors will send the anonymous reader reports and submissions forward to the Editorial Board for commentary and votes.
* Articles sent back to authors to be revised and resubmitted should be revised in a timely manner. - The Managing Editors will correspond with authors regarding the votes and reviews; pertinent comments by the Board may be included anonymously. A timeframe for revisions, copyedits, and/or publication will be provided by the Managing Editors.
- Authors are expected to have gained copyright permissions for any protected images in their articles before final submission of galley proofs.
No Author or Reader Charges
JTAS is non-fee, non-commercial, free to authors and to readers. We have no submission charges or article processing charges (APC), and all published articles are immediately and freely available to readers.
Volumes 7-10 were published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. Starting with Volume 11, JTAS is published under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) license.
Rights for Authors
Authors retain copyright for all content published in Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS). However, authors grant to the journal the right to publish the article under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) license and to make available such content, in any format, in perpetuity. Authors may reproduce, in other contexts, content to which they possess the copyright, although in any subsequent publications JTAS should be acknowledged as the original publisher if that is the case.
Rights for the Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS)
The Journal of Transnational American Studies retains the non-exclusive right to make content available in any format in perpetuity. While authors may reproduce their work in other contexts, content published in the journal will not be removed from the website even if later published elsewhere. Authors must agree to the terms of publishing in the journal listed in the JTAS author agreement.