
Parent: UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
94t1f52rConservation Strategies That Address Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: Implications for Forest Cover Change and Wildlife Behavior1653113418.8%
6p94s5mcExploring the Changing Faces of Housing Development and Demand in California: Millennials, Casitas, and Reducing VMT68204829.4%
0317h7v4Identifying and Analyzing Travel-Related Attitudinal, Personality, and Lifestyle Clusters in the San Francisco Bay Area515469.8%
9x77627pHomeless Negotiations of Public Space in Two California Cities51193237.3%
1rz000pfBehavioral Realism of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Usage: Implications for Emission Benefits, Energy Consumption, and Policies4654110.9%
8p32d18kInterpersonal Influence within Car Buyers’ Social Networks: Observing Consumer Assessment of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) and the Spread of Pro-Societal Values4435979.5%
19m7v3jrThe Road Environment and Urban Bicycling: Psychophysiological and Behavioral Responses40122830.0%
3sh5x1vkThe Hydrogen Fuel Pathway for Air Transportation39142535.9%
8hx398vvIntegrated and Data-Driven Transportation Infrastructure Management through Consideration of Life Cycle Costs and Environmental Impacts3953412.8%
16k010cqCommercializing Light-Duty Plug-In/Plug-Out Hydrogen-Fuel-Cell Vehicles:“Mobile Electricity” Technologies, Early California Household Markets, and Innovation Management3873118.4%
3wt0n8txFuels and Fuel Technologies for Powering 21st Century Passenger and Freight Rail: Simulation-Based Case Studies in a U.S. Context35152042.9%
4kp5092sModeling Framework for Socially Inclusive Bikesharing Services34102429.4%
6r64v86zDrivers of Change in a World of Mobility Disruption:  An Overview of Long Distance Travel, Shared Mobility, and Automated Vehicles3342912.1%
2ct9d4drLife Cycle Environmental Impacts of Biofuels: The Role of Co-products3042613.3%
9890w5mgInvestigation into Aging Mechanisms and Performance of Rubber-Modified Asphalt Binder and Mix2972224.1%
0d66g2cnA Thermal Model to Evaluate Sub-Freezing Startup for a Direct Hydrogen Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicle Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Stack and System26101638.5%
9ng3z8vnDynamic Traffic Routing and Adaptive Signal Control in a Connected Vehicles Environment2552020.0%
0jb3w61zA Methodology to Assess the Reliability of Hydrogen-based Transportation Energy Systems2451920.8%
0n77992mWired for Gasoline: Consumers and Value Construction in the Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Market2417770.8%
1539g5sjModeling Bioenergy Supply Chains: Feedstocks Pretreatment, Integrated System Design Under Uncertainty2391439.1%
1cm0j0vmWhat Makes Travelers Use Ridehailing? Exploring the Latent Constructs behind the Adoption and Frequency of Use of Ridehailing Services, and Their Impacts on the Use of Other Travel Modes2351821.7%
0q97f04pPerformance Assessment of Asphalt Mixes Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Tire Rubber2091145.0%
3gj151w9Economic and Econometric Analyses of the World Petroleum Industry, Energy Subsidies, and Air Pollution1931615.8%
6c58n6ksPolicy Improvements of Private Transportation in US and China1951426.3%
2qk093gxNetwork Sensor Error Quantification and Flow Reconstruction Using Deep Learning181175.6%
3hk3c6fhEstimating the Travel Behavior Effects of Technological Innovations from Cross-Sectional Observed Data: Applications to Carsharing and Telecommuting1741323.5%
6rd7f7cbHydrogen Station Siting and Refueling Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems: A Case Study of Sacramento County1771041.2%
7wk2b9g0Critical Infrastructure Systems: Distributed Decision Processes over Network and Uncertainties161156.3%
0pw6s2k2Future Impacts of Coal Distribution Constraints on Coal Cost156940.0%
3bx6f16dEnvironmental and economic costs, benefits and uncertainties of vehicle electrification: a life cycle approach1541126.7%
383679ddThe Reciprocal Relationship between Children and Young Adults' Travel Behavior and Their Travel Attitudes, Skills, and Norms130130.0%
6dw4d18tData-Driven Behavior Analysis and Implications in Plug-in Electric Vehicle Policy Studies126650.0%
14g1g7t7A Methodology to Assess the Reliability of Hydrogen-based Transportation Energy Systems116554.5%
8kq0j3srAdvancing Deployment of Electric Vehicles in Disadvantaged Communities in the Southern California Edison (SCE) Service Territory61516.7%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.