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Culture as ground for cross modality unidimensional timelines
Current evidence supports the idea that time is mentally represented by unidimensional spaces. One main question iswhether the language modality grounds differences on using these spaces when signers and speakers share the culturalframing of time (e.g., by clocks, calendars, etc.). We tested whether past and future events are represented along a Left-PastRight-Future and a Behind-Past Ahead-Future mental timeline in two language modalities. In Experiments 1 and 2 deafsigners of Uruguayan Sign Language (LSU) categorized the temporal reference of LSU sentences by pressing a directionalkey. The congruency effect was registered for the Left-Past Right-Future trials and for hand setting counterbalancedBehind-Past Ahead-Future trials. Experiments 3 and 4 replicated the congruency effect for Spanish speakers. The findingsanswered the research question in line with the suggestion that when signers and speakers share the cultural framing oftime the tested space-time mappings activates on the same fashion.
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