Developing Computational Optical Imaging Systems with Artificial Intelligence
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Developing Computational Optical Imaging Systems with Artificial Intelligence


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a major risk for the aging population. The pathological hallmarks of AD—an abnormal deposition of amyloid β-protein (Aβ) and phosphorylated tau (pTau)—have been demonstrated in the retinas of AD patients, including in prodromal patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Aβ pathology, especially the accumulation of the amyloidogenic 42-residue long alloform (Aβ42), is considered an early and specific sign of AD, and together with tauopathy, confirms AD diagnosis. To visualize retinal Aβ and pTau, state-of-the-art methods use fluorescence. However, administering contrast agents complicates the imaging procedure. To address this problem from fundamentals, this dissertation performed ex vivo studies to develop a label-free hyperspectral imaging method to detect the spectral signatures of Aβ42 and pS396-Tau. A deep learning framework was developed to predict their abundance in retinal cross-sections and transform a label-free HSI image to either a DAB or an immunofluorescent stained image in high accuracy. For the first time, we reported the spectral signature of pTau and provided a direct validation through immunostaining. For small incision in vivo imaging, optical endoscopes are mostly limited by two-dimensional views or very small number of three-dimensional (3D) views of pathological sites, and are intrinsically low in resolution caused by the limited fiber cores. The dissertation demonstrated a flexible light field endoscopy (Flex- LFE) imaging system capable of capturing depth information in a single shot. To address the resolution challenges inherent in endoscopic imaging, an AI-powered super-resolution pipeline is developed to enhance the quality of reconstructed images. Additionally, this work explored the utilization of tunable image-mapping optical coherence tomography (TIM-OCT) to further advance in imaging of the retina. While most current OCT devices require extensive scanning, by combining phase-only spatial light modulators with spectral domain OCT, TIM-OCT achieves tailored imaging performance and enables “eye motion freeze” snapshot imaging. Computational spectroscopic analysis is discussed to extract spectral signatures. This dissertation demonstrates the potential of AI-driven optical imaging systems in addressing critical challenges in biomedical imaging, with a particular focus on the early detection of AD. The findings are expected to lay the groundwork for label-free detection of AD.

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