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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Davis

UC Davis Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Davis

Systemically Marginalized Student Engagement with Holistic Support Programs and their Perceptions of College Success at a Four-Year Research University


Disparities in academic performance and degree attainment continue to affect systemically marginalized (SM) college students. Amidst these persistent inequities, this qualitative study aimed to better understand how SM students at a competitive university navigated their choice to engage with support and how they conceptualized success. The study focused on UC Berkeley’s Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3), a hub of multiple holistic programs tailored for communities of SM students. Based on semi-structured interviews with ten undergraduates, the study applied inductive analysis to uncover factors influencing their engagement and perceptions of support as well as the varied ways in which they defined success. A conceptual framework built from Stephen’s Cultural Mismatch Theory (2012) and Hurtado’s Multi-Contextual Model for Diverse Learning Environments (MMDLE, 2012) was applied to best understand the multiple factors and contexts that impact SM students in higher education. Three themes were identified: systemic challenges that fueled feelings of mistrust and disconnection; the high value of the empathetic, understanding, and practical support from CE3 programs; and inclusive definitions of success in college beyond academic terms. Findings highlight the necessity for universities to broaden their definitions of success and recalibrate support services to better align with the diverse needs of SM students. Implications call for institutions to adopt more inclusive policies and practices that genuinely reflect the unique backgrounds, cultural wealth, and values of these students by providing and expanding spaces for holistic support, identity affirmation, and community building.

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