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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Efficacy of BurrowRx® Fumigation for Control of Richardson’s (Urocitellus richardsonii) and Columbian Ground Squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus) in Montana: Two Pilot Studies


In recent years, landowners and pest management professionals have expressed increasing interest in methods that can control burrowing rodents without the residual and secondary poisoning risk characteristic of many rodenticides. Carbon monoxide injectors constitute one method that meets those requirements. The author tested the BurrowRx® to determine the injection time needed to successfully fumigate burrows occupied by Richardson’s and Columbian ground squirrels in Montana. Efficacy for control of Richardson’s ground squirrels on combined locations was 80% with a 60-second injection time and 44% with a 180-second injection time for Columbian ground squirrels. Average number of burrows and relative size for both species was collected also.

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