Leaders in effective and inclusive STEM: Twenty years of the Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators
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Incorporating PDP Themes the Akamai Way
As part of the Institute for Scientist and Engineer Educators Professional Development Program (PDP), our team designed an activity for the Akamai internship program’s Preparation for Research Experiences and Projects (PREP) course. The activity focused on content around different renewable energy and storage technologies, and the widely applicable engineering practice of optimization through iteration and evaluating trade-offs. Here we describe the overall activity, with primary emphasis on how the PDP backward design process and integration of the Equity & Inclusion (E&I) theme led us to design and implement a unique model we call the “expert training model” that has important E&I implications. We found that an educational activity design that focuses on E&I considerations, such as identifying multiple ways to productively participate and developing learners’ identity in STEM, simultaneously satisfies criteria for being an engaging and authentic STEM experience. We also reflect on potential pitfalls and ways to improve and adapt this model.
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