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Open Access Publications from the University of California


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Uncertainty-Aware Unsupervised and Robust Reinforcement Learning


This dissertation is centered around addressing several key concerns in reinforcement learning (RL). RL has been a popular topic in the design of autonomous intelligent agents that make decisions and learn optimal actions through interaction with the environment. Over the past decades, RL has achieved significant success in various domains. However, RL has consistently been criticized for its inefficiency in exploration and vulnerability to model errors or noise. This dissertation aims to tackle these challenges through uncertainty-aware methods.

In the first part of this dissertation, we explore how an RL agent can efficiently explore the environment without human supervision. We begin with a theoretical framework on reward-free exploration and establish a connection between reward-free exploration and unsupervised reinforcement learning. We provide both theoretical analyses and practical algorithms that exhibit competitive empirical performance. In the second part of this dissertation, we aim to develop robust RL algorithm in a misspecified setting, where the function class (e.g., Neural Networks) cannot adequately approximate the underlying ground truth function. We show how significant does approximation error need to be in order to prevent the agent from efficiently learning the environment and making good decisions. We also present several algorithms that ensure the agent will only make a finite number of mistakes over infinite runs when this approximation error is small.

The methods and techniques discussed in this dissertation advance the theoretical understanding of key concerns and limitations in RL, particularly in scenarios that require performance guarantees. Additionally, these findings not only suggest further research directions but also pose several open questions that would help better design more robust and efficient decision making processes in the future.

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