Controversy: the role of yeasts in chronic paronychia: contra
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Controversy: the role of yeasts in chronic paronychia: contra
C. Ralph Daniel III, Melissa P. Daniel, F. Emily Bell
Abstracts of the Fifth Meeting of the European Nail Society:DOJ 9(1): 17F
USA. Chronic paronychia is a very common condition. There are many disorders associated with chronic paronychia.1 For the purposes of this discussion; simple chronic paronychia will be discussed. (not associated with psoriasis, systemic disease, etc.)
We looked at 44 patients with simple chronic paronychia.2 Average age was 47, age range 1-85, 91% female. 81% grew yeast, on Mycosel and on plain Sabouraud’s agar with chloramphenicol. 55% grew Candida albicans on Mycosel agar alone. 93% gave a strong history of contact irritants.
It is the contention of this author that contact irritants are the primary problem in chronic paronychia and Candida plays a secondary role.
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