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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

Data-supported modeling of climate change impacts on coastal water infrastructure systems for developing community-based adaptation strategies


Low-lying coastal areas are susceptible to multiple flooding pathways from seawater, groundwater, and stormwater sources. Focusing on Imperial Beach California, USA, this research studies the vulnerability of coastal stormwater and wastewater systems to compound impacts of changing climate [i.e., Sea-Level Rise (SLR), groundwater shoaling, and precipitation intensification], the capability of decentralized water infrastructure in flood mitigation, and their adoptability by the community.

After presenting the background information and research goals in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 evaluates compound flooding of the stormdrain system under a changing climate. Here, the obtained results for current and high sea-level conditions are presented (SLR = 0 and 2 m). The result illustrates that seawater may intrude into 2/3 of the stormdrain system length by a 2 m rise in current sea level. SLR consequences can be exacerbated by GroundWater Infiltration (GWI) such that the flooding volume may increase six-fold with 0.25% porosity systemwide and impact areas kilometers away from the coastline.

Chapter 3 shows that defect flows currently increase hydraulic loading on the sewer system by 21% and 49% in dry- and wet-weather conditions, respectively. These numbers can be elevated to 84% and 120% at SLR = 2 m placing ~ $3 M cost on the system every year. The excess hydraulic loading also increases the potential of sanitary sewer overflows (i.e., exposing the community and environment to raw sewage pollution). Finally, by involving structural, hydrological, and hydraulic criteria, a holistic approach is presented to prioritize sewer rehabilitation.

Chapter 4 first analyzes a social survey, whose results show that homeowners are more likely to adopt decentralized infrastructure. In addition, gardeners with the intention of reducing water usage in their yards can be targeted as the most prevalent adopters. Moreover, appropriate outreach activities are essential for enhancing public awareness in areas at the future risk of flooding. The engineering model outputs reveal that for a system with 0.25% porosity working under SLR = 0 m and a 1-year rainfall, the flood volume may decrease 56%−99% after implementing an RB system and adding an RG system. Although the RB system implementation can reduce the flood volume only by 24% at future conditions (SLR = 2 m and 25% increase in rainfall intensity), this value can be improved to 77% by adding an RG system. Additionally, the value of harvested rainwater over the lifetime of the RB system is estimated to be $60+ M while its cost will be $4- M. The RG system is also estimated to cost $15 M and occupy 2.4% of the city area.

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