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Intrinsic whole number bias in an indigenous population
Probabilities can be described by a numerator and a de-nominator and students and decision-makers are not in-different to numerical values of the components. For in-stance, when people compare two equal ratios their choicesgravitate to the option with larger number, even if theyknow both ratios are equal. To the date, however, it is un-clear if whole number biases are present in other cultures.We tested a farming-foraging group living in the Bolivianrain forest in a simple 2AFC ratio comparison task. Af-ter appropriate training, the Tsimane were highly accu-rate in this task, confirming that visual proportional rea-soning is present across cultures. Importantly, they hada strong tendency to favor large numbers in equal ratiocomparisons, similar to what is found in educated popu-lations. Even though our sample size is moderate (n=76),the whole number bias we found occurred under good pro-portional reasoning. The bias may be a general feature ofcognition, rather than a cultural or education artifact, thatmay help humans solve ambiguous situations.
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