Development of and Adherence to Student Education Plans Among Students at a Small Community College
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Development of and Adherence to Student Education Plans Among Students at a Small Community College


In response to low completion rates in the California Community College system, the 2012 Seymour Campbell Student Success Act requires districts or colleges to provide all degree- or transfer-seeking students with an opportunity to develop individual Student Educational Plans (SEPs). SEPs are guiding documents prepared in consultation with counselors to make course-taking patterns more efficient, reduce unnecessary coursework, and expedite completion of graduation requirements, transfer requirements, or both. Specifically, an SEP outlines a student’s program of study and provides a roadmap of courses required for completion. The assumption is that SEPs will provide direction and focus to students, resulting in higher persistence and more efficient completion. However, students are not required to develop SEPs to enroll in courses, and the experience of choosing from the vast array of programs and courses available at community colleges has been described as “the equivalent of navigating a shapeless river on a dark night” (Scott-Clayton, 2011). Traditionally underserved and first-generation students may experience disproportionate challenges in navigating this complex decision-making environment. This study uses quantitative methods to examine what differences exist among student groups who have developed SEPs with a counselor prior to their first enrollment, and whether they actually enroll in the courses outlined in their SEPs. The first two research questions address rates of SEP participation among first-time, degree and transfer seeking community college students across demographic/socioeconomic characteristics, academic variables, and participation in first-year student success/retention programs. The second two research questions examine SEP adherence across the same student characteristics. The final research question describes common patterns of SEP nonadherence. The findings of this research show that some disparities in SEP participation and adherence among traditionally underserved groups remain, but efforts to address these gaps through retention/success programs with strong matriculation support appear to be succeeding for those who participate in them. In addition, examining common patterns of nonadherence, failure to enroll in first-year required English and Math courses accounts for a substantial proportion of nonadherence, potentially derailing students from their completion goals.

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