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Timing Time: Why Early Vision is Cognitively Impenetrable
Newen and Vetter (2016) argue that cognitive penetration (CP) ofperceptual experience is the most possible account of the evidence.They target both the weak impenetrability thesis that only some earlyvisual processes are cognitively impenetrable (CI), and the strongimpenetrability thesis that all perceptual processes are CI. Since Iagree that perceptual processing as a whole is CP, I will concentrateon their arguments against the weak CI thesis. In attacking weak CI,the authors take aim at Raftopoulos’ arguments supporting the CI ofearly vision. Their main argument comes from studies that, Newenand Vetter think, show that early vision is CP by demonstrating theexistence of cognitive effects on early vision. I examine the sameempirical evidence that Newen and Vatter discuss and argue thissame evidence strongly supports the view that early vision is CI.
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