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Open Access Publications from the University of California

(A)symmetry (Non)monotonicity: Towards a Deeper Understanding of KeyCognitive Di/Trichotomies and the Common Model of Cognition


Many dichotomies from across the cognitive sciences can be reduced to one of two fundamental distinctions (a)symmetryand (non)monotonicity of processing simplifying greatly the space of dichotomies needed to structure this broad interdis-ciplinary discipline. Taking the cross-product of these two dichotomies then yields a 2x2 structure of cells that in its turnyields a deeper understanding of two key trichotomies based on control and content hierarchies with each mapping tothree out of the four cells. This cross-product and its four cells further provide a deeper understanding of the structure ofthe Common Model of Cognition an attempt to develop a community consensus concerning the processes and structuresimplicated in human-like minds as well as cognitive architectures that map onto it, such as ACT-R, Sigma and Soar andeven AlphaZero with results that bear on the structure of integrative architectures, models and systems; and on theircommonalities, differences and gaps.

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