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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Berkeley

Scalable Representations for Vision and Robotics


Artificial intelligence systems have shown remarkable advancements in recent years. However, the challenge of scalability and generalization to real-world problems remains a significant issue. In this thesis, we explore the three key components of building scalable artificial intelligence systems for computer vision, including model optimizability, learning objectives, and large-scale datasets, and apply these outcomes for robotics.

Our work begins with an examination of the optimizability of vision transformers, proposing a new set of optimizability metrics and an alternative design for their patchify stem. Next, we introduce a contrastive self-supervised learning objective that reduces inductive biases in self-supervised learning, resulting in superior performance across various datasets. We then showcase the effectiveness of self-supervised visual pre-training from real-world images for learning motor control tasks from pixels, outperforming supervised baselines and matching oracle state performance.

Expanding on this, we explore self-supervised visual pre-training on images from diverse, in-the-wild videos for real-world robotic tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of pre-trained representations across a range of tasks and embodiments. In addition, we present a sim-to-real learning-based approach for real-world humanoid locomotion using a causal Transformer, marking the first fully learning-based method for real-world full-sized humanoid locomotion. Finally, we conclude the thesis and discuss potential future directions for further research in the field.

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