Dermatology Online Journal: Proof in Progress
Published Web Location Content
Dermatology Online Journal: Proof in Progress
Phil Fleckman MD
Dermatology Online Journal 4(1): 13
Welcome to issue number 1 of the Dermatology Online Journal in 1998. If you noted the hiatus since publication of the last issue, the DOJ has survived a minor crisis. Having outgrown the collective time and energies of the original founders of the Journal, we dropped a few steps getting this issue out. In other words, there was too much work and not enough time for those involved in the process. Look for new faces in the coming issues who will share the joy of online publishing.
In addition to "standard" fare of case reports, dermpath cases, and a continuation of Claire Haycox's reviews of multimedia educational dermatology works and the accompanying table of comparisons, an extensive review of the controls of hair growth and a provoking review of dermatology training program statistics and an accompanying editorial are presented.
Also new is a link with the Pacific Skin Research Club, a group of Pacific Rim investigators now planning their 22nd annual meeting. The PSRC is a forum for young investigators to hone their presentation skills; we will be publishing the best of their annual meetings. This strengthens our international ties beyond those already established with Europe and South America. Simultaneous publishing by the DOJ in multiple languages is a reality - please see the editorial by George Leal for insight on how this is working.
Finally, the article by Julie Winfield and Tom Ray on Camp Discovery epitomizes the strength of online publishing. Where else could such a remarkable collection of beautiful and candid photographs be published?
Please join us for this issue. Your comments are, as always, appreciated.
Phil FleckmanChief Editor
© 1998 Dermatology Online Journal