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A study of three potassium fertilizers in Californian almond production soils
- Yu, Chieh
- Advisor(s): Brown, Patrick H
Potassium (K) is one of essential elements for plant growth, especially orchard crops, and the third most important macronutrient after nitrogen and phosphorus. Despite the fact that K reserves are relatively abundant on earth, consisting of 2.1 – 2.3% of the earth crust, a large proportion of K is not available for plant uptake due to its uneven distribution. Potassium inputs come from different sources such as irrigation water or soil amendment applications. To supply K replenishment in agriculture, the application of K fertilizer is the most effective to increase K nutrient in soils. Thus, this study will focus on K behavior in the plant as well as dynamics in soil context. The K pools in soil are solution K, exchangeable K, non-exchangeable K, and structural K. Both solution K and exchangeable K portions are considered plant-available K, although they are usually low in total soil K. A number of factors govern the amount of K pools in soil, including soil texture, cation exchange capacity (CEC), pH, moisture, temperature and clay mineralogy. These factors not only influence the K efficiency of plant uptake, but also affect the K distribution of K availability by soil depths. In terms of precise estimation of available K for crop uptake, the current K fertilizer application recommendations are based on ammonium acetate extraction method, which only measures the solution K and exchangeable K. A novel sodium tetraphenylboron (NaTPB) method was introduced and discussed to help better estimate the plant-available K. In plants, K is the key component that maintains numerous metabolic functions at all levels. For instance, enzyme activation, protein synthesis, photosynthesis, carbon assimilation and transport, and water balance. Therefore, a lack of K nutrition leads to malfunctions of these processes and eventually reduces the crop yield and fruit quality. In annual crops, K deficiency is easy to observe. Generally, the most common symptoms of K deficiency firstly occur in the older leaves and include chlorosis and necrosis. While in orchard crops, low K condition in trees does not immediately become visible and result in low yield or reduced quality of harvest. Hence, a regular leaf K analysis is recommended for growers to monitor tree K levels on purpose. For orchard production, a proper K management is especially important to secure yields. However, different orchard crops require different amounts of K. For instance, in almonds 75 kg K was removed in fruit per metric ton of kernel yield. Usually, orchard crops are not sensitive to K fertilizer sources but the application rates. For example, in pistachios, Zeng & Brown (2001) proposed that a K application rate between 110 – 220 kg ha-1 was sufficient to sustain highly productive pistachio orchards with any K sources while excessive K fertilizer (> 220 kg ha-1) was applied, nut yield reduced in the subsequent year. During the course of weathering, the rate of K release and fixation is highly correlated to the clay mineralogy. Some secondary clay minerals, such as montmorillonite, are high K-fixed, which makes K become unavailable. In addition, the alternate wetting-drying cycle regimes greatly reduce K diffusive flux and K mobility in soil. Thus, proper K fertilizer management and application become crucial in agriculture. In this study, three K fertilizers are discussed – muriate of potash (MOP), sulfate of potash (SOP), and polyhalite (POLY). There is still little information available to describe the properties of K fertilizers and their efficacy for orchard production, especially almond production. To better understand K behavior in the soil system, the experiment was conducted to explore K dynamics using a soil-column experiment by comparing the behavior and distribution of KCl, microfine SOP and POLY in three different soils (Hillgate sandy loam and two different loams San Ysidro and Yolo) obtained from almond orchards in California’s Central Valley. Three replicate columns with each K fertilizer along with an unfertilized control were subject to four wetting events over a two-month period, and different K pools were measured at depth of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm. POLY resulted in a higher solution K concentration in all soils. After complete incubation, a large proportion of unaccounted K (e.g. 921 mg K column-1, which is equivalent to 42% of input K in the San Ysidro soil) was observed, perhaps due to movement of K into the non-exchangeable pool. The slow-release characteristic of POLY-K and the additional content of Ca and Mg increased total extractable base cation levels in soils, and increased leaching of base cations after four wetting compared to other two K fertilizers.
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