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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Riverside

UC Riverside Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Riverside

Learning and Memory in Minecraft: Objects and Object-Location Associations in a Virtual Open-Field Environment

Creative Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

This study investigates the potential impact of passive learning for retaining spatial memory using an open-field Minecraft environment. The goal was to understand the extent to which memory of object locations can be retained when learned from watching a video. We wanted to understand the role of hippocampus-dependent development of episodic and spatial memory as it pertains to the consolidation of memories from this passive learning experience. We examined how 59 participants retained object-location associations from viewing a video featuring an avatar navigating to 12 specific objects. After watching the video, participants were given a paper-based object recognition and sequence recall test to gauge immediate object memory. Following this, they navigated the Minecraft environment to locate the objects, with their accuracy measured through Euclidean distances calculated with recorded coordinates. Our findings reveal strong positive correlations within and between the Paper-Based Object Recognition and Sequence Task and the In-Vivo Environment Task. This indicates that better memory for identifying objects and recalling their sequence of appearance corresponds, respectively, with the ability to find the correct objects and navigate accurately between objects. This study suggests there is a viable approach to enhancing spatial memory through passive learning in enriched virtual environments. It aligns with prior research suggesting that complex tasks requiring spatial skills conducted in virtual settings, like Minecraft, can positively impact hippocampal-dependent memory processes.

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