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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Do children extend pragmatic principles to non-linguistic communication?


In conversation, speakers are expected to offer as much information as required by the purposes of the exchange. (Grice,1975). Classic theories of communication assume that the principle of informativeness extends beyond linguistic inter-actions (Grice, 1989; Sperber & Wilson, 1986), but relevant evidence so far is limited. We replicated the paradigm of areferent selection study in which preschool-aged children successfully apply the principle of informativeness to linguisticexchanges (Stiller et al., 2015) and added a matched non-linguistic condition in which the referent choice was commu-nicated through pictures instead of verbal descriptions. Children between the ages of 3.5 to 5 performed significantlybetter in both the linguistic and non-linguistic conditions compared to a control condition, and there were no significantdifferences between linguistic and non-linguistic conditions for 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds, or 5-year-olds. We conclude thatpreschool-aged children apply pragmatic principles to pictures as well as words.

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