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Open Access Publications from the University of California


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The Role of Maternal Nutrition, Risk Factor Avoidance, and Gene-Environment Interactions in Orofacial Clefting


Craniofacial anomalies, particularly clefts of the lip and palate are common, occurring in 1-2/1000 births. Psychological and fiscal issues arise in the individual, family, and society as a lifelong multidisciplinary approach must be taken to mitigate high morbidity and mortality rates among cleft patients. Specific causes of clefts are relatively unknown, as its cause is multifactorial in nature. A culmination of social factors, genetic predispositions, and preventable environmental exposures is the primary culprit. Increasing pregnancy planning will help mothers lessen the effects of social factors and eliminate environmental exposures in the hopes of reducing the risk of clefting. Leading a healthier lifestyle, which includes proper nutrtion and supplementation, is an important method of cleft prevention. Additionally, more research needs to be performed on sperm health and its effects on the sensitive fetal period.

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