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Trains at Different Stations: The Ghanaian-Kenyan Mobile Money Discourse (IMTFI Blog)
This is Part 4 of a 6-part blog series documenting the Mobile Money Payments Conference in Ghana March 12-13th, 2013 hosted by Ghana Telecom University College in Accra, Ghana and in partnership with scholars Cliff Mensah, Richard Zhixin Kang and Vivian Dzokoto.
The conference brought together relevant stakeholders in the mobile money industry in Ghana together to deliberate on the barriers to the adoption of mobile money and the strategies to mitigate the barriers to promote awareness and enhance mobile money uptake.
1 - Announcement: Mobile Money Payments Conference in Ghana March 12-13th, 2013 (1/24/2013)
2 - Mobile Money Adoption in Ghana: Why So Long? (3/12/2013)
3 - Reaching the Unreached: Day 1 Conference Summary (3/14/2013)
4 - Trains at Different Stations: The Ghanaian-Kenyan Mobile Money Discourse (11/26/2013)
5 - Mobile Money Payments in Ghana: Part One, Private Intervention (3/10/2014)
6 - Mobile Money Payments in Ghana: Part Two, Public Intervention (4/7/2014)
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