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Dermatopathology Unknown:
Dermatology Online Journal, December 1995

Dermatopathology Case: A 24 year old woman with an abdominal plaque
Published Web Location Content
Dermatopathology Unknown:
A 24 year old woman with an abdominal plaque
Ronald J. Barr, M.D.
Dermatology Online Journal, December 1995
Volume 1, Number 2

Clinical History:
The patient, a 24 year-old-woman, presented with a one month history of a right abdominal lesion. On examination, there was 1 cm., irregularly-shaped, reddish plaque with moderate induration. A small overlying erosion was present. A punch biopsy was obtained and the specimen re-excised one month later. The specimen for examination was from the re-excision.Important Microscopic Features:
- On low magnification there is an obvious proliferation of small vessels present in an infiltrative pattern within the dermis.
- Many of these vessels are irregularly branched with inconspicuous lumina.
- there is minimal hypertrophy and atypia of endothelial cells.
- The stroma is variably sclerotic.
- The above alterations account for a "desmoplastic" appearance.
- There are rare scattered lymphocytes and mast cells.
- There are only minimal deposits of hemosiderin.
- Immunohistochemistry shows positive staining with ULEX and weak staining with Factor VIII.
Differential Diagnosis
- Kaposi's sarcoma
- Targetoid hemangioma
- Angiosarcoma
- Lobular capillary hemangioma
All contents copyright © 1995. Dermatology Online Journal University of California Davis