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A Cognitive Approach to Modeling Sentence Level Prominence Based on StimulusUnpredictability
The human sensory system is capable to rapidly respond to novel input, allowing for quick allocation of attentionalresources to the stimulus. In a similar manner, prominent words in speech seem to attract the listeners’ attention and facilitate oralter interpretation. Sentence prominence has been typically studied across languages by examining configurations of acousticprosodic features during prominent words. Recent studies have provided evidence that, in addition to the predictability of thelexical units in speech, manipulating the predictability of the acoustic prosodic features can also signal prominence. In thiswork, we provide a high-level description of a cognitive framework that attempts to characterize sentence prominence as aphenomenon that is connected with the unpredictability of suprasegmental acoustic features, thereby capturing the attention ofthe listener and causing differential processing of prominent speech.
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