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Genetically elevated high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol through the cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene does not associate with risk of Alzheimer's disease
- Peloso, Gina M;
- van der Lee, Sven J;
- Project, International Genomics of Alzheimer's;
- Sims, R;
- van der Lee, SJ;
- Naj, AC;
- Bellenguez, C;
- Badarinarayan, N;
- Jakobsdottir, J;
- Kunkle, BW;
- Boland, A;
- Raybould, R;
- Bis, JC;
- Martin, ER;
- Grenier‐Boley, B;
- Heilmann‐Heimbach, S;
- Chouraki, V;
- Kuzma, AB;
- Sleegers, K;
- Vronskaya, M;
- Ruiz, A;
- Graham, RR;
- Olaso, R;
- Hoffmann, P;
- Grove, ML;
- Vardarajan, BN;
- Hiltunen, M;
- Nöthen, MM;
- White, CC;
- Hamilton‐Nelson, KL;
- Epelbaum, J;
- Maier, W;
- Choi, SH;
- Beecham, GW;
- Dulary, C;
- Herms, S;
- Smith, AV;
- Funk, CC;
- Derbois;
- Forstner, AJ;
- Ahmad, S;
- Li, H;
- Bacq, D;
- Harold, D;
- Satizabal, CL;
- Valladares, O;
- Squassina, A;
- Thomas, R;
- Brody, JA;
- Qu, L;
- Sánchez‐Juan, P;
- Morgan, T;
- Wolters, FJ;
- Zhao, Y;
- Garcia, FS;
- Denning, N;
- Fornage, M;
- Malamon, J;
- Naranjo, MCD;
- Majounie, E;
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- Mukherjee, S;
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- Lin, H;
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- Boccardi, V;
- Henández, I;
- Barber, RC;
- Scherer, M;
- Tarraga, L;
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- Leber, M;
- Chen, Y;
- Albert, MS;
- Riedel‐Heller, S;
- Emilsson, V;
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- Destefano, Anita L;
- Seshardi, Sudha
- et al.
There is conflicting evidence whether high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementia. Genetic variation in the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) locus is associated with altered HDL-C. We aimed to assess AD risk by genetically predicted HDL-C.Methods
Ten single nucleotide polymorphisms within the CETP locus predicting HDL-C were applied to the International Genomics of Alzheimer's Project (IGAP) exome chip stage 1 results in up 16,097 late onset AD cases and 18,077 cognitively normal elderly controls. We performed instrumental variables analysis using inverse variance weighting, weighted median, and MR-Egger.Results
Based on 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms distinctly predicting HDL-C in the CETP locus, we found that HDL-C was not associated with risk of AD (P > .7).Discussion
Our study does not support the role of HDL-C on risk of AD through HDL-C altered by CETP. This study does not rule out other mechanisms by which HDL-C affects risk of AD.Many UC-authored scholarly publications are freely available on this site because of the UC's open access policies. Let us know how this access is important for you.
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