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Spiky keratotic projections on the palms and fingers

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Unknown: Spiky keratotic projections on the palms and fingers
Emiliano Grillo MD, Bibiana Pérez-García MD, Carmen González-García MD, Sergio Vano-Galván MD PhD, Pedro Jaén-Olasolo MD PhD
Dermatology Online Journal 18 (6): 12

Hospital Ramón y Cajal Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 1. Multiple keratotic papules on the fingers.

Figure 2. Close up of the lesions.

A healthy 9-year-old girl presented to our dermatology department with multiple spiky keratotic projections on her palms and fingers since the age of 11 months. The patient described only occasional pruritus. Her mother and grandfather also had these keratotic lesions on their palms and soles. Skin examination revealed multiple 1 to 2 mm spiny papules and hyperkeratotic plugs symmetrically involving the palms as well as the sides of several digits (Figures 1 and 2). A punch biopsy specimen is demonstrated (Figures 3 and 4).

Figure 3 Figure 4
Figure 3. (H&E, x10)

Figure 4. (H&E, x20).

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