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Open Access Publications from the University of California

FarmVille and the Role of ICTs in Agricultural Savings and Loan Programmes in the Philippines (IMTFI Blog)


This blog post presents some of my research findings through a FarmVille inspired infographic. In it I compare the rules and features of the game to actual practices of savings, loan repayment and provision of government technical assistance for agriculture and farm improvement in the Philippines. FarmVille was introduced on Facebook in 2009 asan online farming simulation social network game that teaches players to use availableresources for generating maximum farm productivity. It requires the players to beinvolved in different farm management activities such as planting, plowing, growing and harvesting crops and trees, and raising livestock. FarmVille’s popularity soared onFacebook between 2009 and 2011 and appears to have contributed significantly to an awareness on aspects of farm management among online gamers all over the world.

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