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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

Puberty and Possibility: Comics, Quinceañeras, and Quince as Visionary Fiction


The transformative process of adolescence plays an enormous role in shaping personal identity and worldview. Cultural celebrations, like the quinceañera, contribute to this transformation and provide a framework for understanding how the process of growing up is informed by ethnic heritage, socioeconomic status, and family relationships. I examine Sebastian Kadlekic, Emma, Steinkelner, and Kit Steinklener’s comic book Quince, in which a 15-year-old girl receive superpowers at her quinceañera, as a representation of the transformative potential of the quinceañera, and suggest that it can and should be read as a piece of visionary fiction, as popularized by Walidah Imarisha and adrienne marie brown: it is work that creates a new reality paves the way for the physical manifestation of such a reality. Using writings about quinceañeras as a background for visual and textual analysis of the comic itself, I hope to demonstrate the significance of Quince as a cultural product and representation of the future.

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