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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Carsharing and Partnership Management: An International Perspective


Most cars carry one person and are used for less than 1 hour per day. A more economically rational approach would be to use vehicles more intensively. Carsharing, in which a group of people pays a subscirption plus a per-use fee, is one means of doing so. Carshanng may be orgarazed through affinity groups, large employers, transit operators, neighborhoed groups, or large-aarsharing businesses Relatwe to car ownership, carsharmg has the disadvantage of less convement vehicle access but the advantages of a large range of vehacles, fewer ownership responslbihties, and less cost (if vehicles are not used intensively) The uncoupling of car ownership and use offers the potential for altenng vehicle usage and directing individuals toward other mobility options The percetved convenience (e g, preferred parking) and cost savings of carsharing have promoted a new modal splat for many carsharmg participants thioughout the world Socaetat benefits include the darect benefit of less demand for parking space and the indirect benefits ansmg from linking costs to actual usage and matching vetucles to trip purpose The experience of carsharing in Europe, North America, and Asia is reviewed, and its future prospects through expanded services, partnership management, and advanced technologies are explored. 

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