Institute for Social Science Research

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0sg0782hWhat is Good for Goldman Sachs is Good for America The Origins of the Present Crisis92720372421.9%
50g990skMigration Networks and Immigrant Entrepreneurship829647657.7%
17m7r1rqThe "Welfare Queen" Experiment: How Viewers React to Images of African-American Mothers on Welfare2763224411.6%
23z6m92cInstitutional Analyses of Organizations: Legitimate but not Institutionalized2385518323.1%
2w76n5vsKorean Immigrants in Los Angeles1884214622.3%
0s21q78cOrganized Workers and the Making of Los Angeles, 1890-1915152549835.5%
30s8h806Los Angeles 1965-1992: Six Geographies of Urban Restructuring1413710426.2%
5sk7r6gkStrategic Frame Analysis: Reframing America's Youth1271311410.2%
840862kmTwice Versus Direct Migrants: East African Sikh Settlers in Britain1241411011.3%
4b4325gkEconomic Meltdown: Causes and Consequences10401040.0%
7gf3q1w1Negative Campaign Advertising: Demobilizer or Mobilizer101287327.7%
5214r0ctSchumpeter and Democracy91108111.0%
8hh2n4jkAssessment of Interracial/Interethnic Conflict in Los Angeles913883.3%
03k043w8The Market Economy of the US, 1800-186085285732.9%
8927m6mpNew York City's Informal Economy78146417.9%
4480h6s7Social Networks, Learning, and Flexibility: Sourcing Scientific Knowledge in New Biotechnology Firms75185724.0%
9rp5p8d3Asian and Latino Immigrants in the Los Angeles Garment Industry: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Capitalism and Racial Oppression70175324.3%
4n1147f1From National Movement to Nation6395414.3%
7jp6m12sSubethnicity: Armenians in Los Angeles6295314.5%
9x36g2xvThe Comparative Sociology of Women Lawyers: The "Feminization" of the Legal Profession6085213.3%
4zc171bmChina's Rural Enterprises: Effects of Agriculture, Surplus Labor, and Human Capital5965310.2%
8sq290z2Prime Suspects: The Corrosive Influence of Local Television595548.5%
7jr93229Edgy Cities, Technoblurbs and Simulcrumbs: Depthless Utopias and Dystopias on the Sub-urban Fringe56114519.6%
5c83023bBlacks and Other Racial Minorities: The Significance of Color in Inequality55104518.2%
0gd8j9k8Collaboration Structure and Information Dilemmas in Biotechnology: Organizational Boundaries as Trust Production51104119.6%
4d96f3xhInter-Institutional Spillover Effects in the Commercialization of Bioscience515469.8%
7g05r6s4Where You Live and What You Watch: The Impact of Racial Proximity and Local Television News on Attitudes about Race and Crime50222844.0%
6bc3v3p8Meritocracy and Diversity in Higher Education: Discrimination Against Asian-Americans in the Post-Bakke Era49123724.5%
00j4p6z2Is It Really Racism? The Origins of White Americans' Opposition to Race-Targeted Policies47222546.8%
00d9q2b2Race, Ethnicity and Employment, 1970-19854673915.2%
2nw4d7c3In Between Markets and Hierarchies - Networking Through the Life Cycle of New Biotechnology Firms4373616.3%
0mq0r5d6Recent Racial Incidents in Higher Education: A Contemporary Perspective4283419.0%
1jx9t87hKoreans in Japan and the United States: Attitudes Toward Achievement and Authority42103223.8%
498361pzExclusion of the Majority: Shrinking College Access and Public Policy in Metropolitan Los Angeles4153612.2%
56m9h3n9Immigrant Entrepreneurs in France: A European Overview414379.8%
52d1c4hhImmigrant Women in Los Angeles3863215.8%
9qf459t4The Organization of Biotechnology Science and Its Commercialization in Japan3863215.8%
6rh842xjRecovery from Unemplyment in Latina Women After a Plant Closure372355.4%
8k87v5rrTrading Places: China and the US in the International System370370.0%
8sf2r8w6Racial and Ethnic Politics in America3792824.3%
1rn1s820Sex Object and Worker: Incompatible Images of Women36122433.3%
6s3927f4Hispanic Suburbanization in Los Angeles: Social Arrival and Barrio Formation3643211.1%
6sg9z2vtCalifornia Immigrants Today352335.7%
1cz5h2j9Contraceptive Knowledge and Intentions Among Latina Teenagers Experiencing Their First Birth3492526.5%
21f995xxImmigrant Entrepreneurs in Israel, Canada and California3492526.5%
02b584jbPaths to Modernity: China and India3372621.2%
0925b15pAlternative Thesis of Minority Mobility: Comparing Los Angeles County West Indians and Chinese333309.1%
11w7b4pgClimate Change and Public Policy After Copenhagen320320.0%
1h1973qpChanging Chicano Gangs: Acculturation, Generational Change, Evolution of Deviance or Emerging Underclass?3292328.1%
65x5987fCritical Issues in the U.S. Legal Immigration Reform Debate3272521.9%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.