Program on International Migration

Parent: UCLA International Institute

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6v04w06xBut Why Glendale? A History of Armenian Immigration to Southern California2,388842,3043.5%
2hd6r2grModes of Incorporation: A Conceptual and Empirical Critique11781096.8%
58009891Gideon's Migration10111001.0%
7051501nChanging Patterns of Chinese Immigration and Diaspora-Homeland Interactions in Singapore and the United States953923.2%
04z162dcA National Study of Access to Counsel in Immigration Court.81354643.2%
5c481277Understanding Intraethnic Diversity: The Formation of a Taiwanese American Identity76156119.7%
2tz4r9q6The Political Sociology of International Migration: Borders, Boundaries, Rights and Politics75284737.3%
3471f7kbThe Armenians of Glendale: An Ethnoburb in Los Angeles’s San Fernando Valley73185524.7%
72s7v6vdDivergent Experiences and Patterns of Integration: Contemporary Chinese Immigrants in Metropolitan Los Angeles, USA70373352.9%
6329q07tCross-Border Politics: Diasporic Mobilization and State Response68185026.5%
9pj9489xCollective Remittances and Transnational Coproduction: The 3x1 Program for Migrants and Household Access to Public Goods in Mexico68165223.5%
5px9g3n4When fear spreads: individual- and group-level predictors of deportation worry among Latino immigrants66283842.4%
0n61w5rcExtended punishment: criminalising immigrants through surveillance technology65303546.2%
2bd4b62tDifferentiated legality: understanding the sources of immigrantsâ deportation fear65313447.7%
6vm613hfAdolescent development and everyday language practices: Implications for the academic literacy of learners in multilingual environments6585712.3%
144826x7Beyond Prejudice: Structural Xenophobic Discrimination Against Refugees612593.3%
3x2454qkImmigration and the election of Donald Trump: Why the sociology of migration left us unprepared…and why we shouldn’t have been surprised58253343.1%
3n5876cbThe cream of the crop? Geography, networks and Irish migrant selection in the Age of Mass Migration57134422.8%
1h28b1h7Simultaneous Embeddedness in Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Global Forces behind Chinese-Owned Nail Salons in New York City52242846.2%
7s77j3hkBangladeshi Muslims in Mississippi: Impression Management Based on the Intersectionality of Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender5294317.3%
42b0c8jmToxic Ties: The Reproduction of Legal Violence within Mixed- Status Intimate Partners, Relatives, and Friends51193237.3%
1nj1g83cProsecuting Immigration49202940.8%
9gr8t3x0Neighborhood Outsiders, Field Insiders: Latino Immigrant Men and the Control of Public Space4994018.4%
36q2c86bSurvival, Economic Mobility, and Community Among Los Angeles Fruit Vendors46222447.8%
5nm5d62bEl reclutamiento de trabajadores temporales mexicanos para Estados Unidos: Infraestructura burocrática, industria de la migración y economía del engaño en el programa de visas H-2464428.7%
9n64v1dfDifferential Fairness: Native-Migrant Tensions and Policy Response in Singapore46163034.8%
4w22b7ztNationalising foreigners: The making of American national identity44133129.5%
4823r46fThe Ambivalent U.S. Context of Reception and the Dichotomous Legal Consciousness of Unaccompanied Minors43172639.5%
4sh5d6qqCollective Liminality: The Spillover Effects of Indeterminate Detention on Immigrant Families42222052.4%
4vr5p7r8A Rite of Reverse Passage: The Construction of Youth Migration in the US Asylum Process40172342.5%
0ps6s99mLives stalled: the costs of waiting for refugee resettlemen39201951.3%
23q686v3Unequal Ties: Immigrants’ Initial Social Capital and Labor Market Stratification39142535.9%
2ts2f7rnEntrepreneurship and Interracial Dynamics: A Case Study of Self-Employed Africans and Chinese in Guangzhou, China39201951.3%
7p87x1mtSyria, Cost-sharing, and the Responsibility to Protect Refugees39122730.8%
68s7z843Mirrored boundaries: how ongoing homeland-hostland contexts shape Bangladeshiimmigrant collective identity formation3892923.7%
0196j6t2Connection without Engagement: The Paradoxes of North American Armenian Return Migration3682822.2%
13c465zjEthnic Mobilization among Korean Dry Cleaners33231069.7%
3ks295cxLocal Immigration Prosecution: A Study of Arizona Before SB 10703392427.3%
7236d7bpPrecarious Times, Professional Tensions: The Ethics of Migration Research and the Drive for Scientific Accountability3372621.2%
7xb5h2qpHumanitarian capital: how lawyers help immigrants use suffering to claim membership in the nation-state32131940.6%
1v83q4hqImmigrant Organizations in the United States: Transnationalism, Community Building, and Immigrant Incorporation3042613.3%
74j910cwAging and undocumented: The sociology of aging meets immigration status30102033.3%
01c234ch"There’s No Solidarity" Nationalism and Belonging among Vietnamese Refugees and Immigrants in Berlin2942513.8%
0s59161dThe Migration Industry: Brokering Mobility in the Mexico-U.S. Migratory System29111837.9%
5b79427mIs immigrant social mobility driven by the people or the place? The case of Irish Americans in the early twentieth century2992031.0%
44s6z0mxInheriting the Homeland? Intergenerational Transmission of Cross-Border Ties in Migrant Families2872125.0%
4cm9n04xSolidarity, Transculturality, Educational Anthropology, and (the Modest Goal of) Transforming the World28171160.7%
5p1044zcRemote Adjudication in Immigration2872125.0%
0j2996nzEmigrants and Emigration in Historical Perspective2791833.3%
7zw2v2jcMigrant Transnational Participation: How Citizen Inclusion and Government Engagement Matter for Local Democratic Development in Mexico2642215.4%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.