UCLA International Institute

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6v04w06xBut Why Glendale? A History of Armenian Immigration to Southern California2,074742,0003.6%
2kj825dqSpeaking Without Toungue: Silence and Self-Search in Armah's The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born1,697121,6850.7%
4j11p6c1Foreignness and Vengeance: On Rizal's "El Filibusterismo"84821962925.8%
8cj8q196Black Study, Black Struggle72032139944.6%
5wr073ncDecolonizing Knowledge in South Africa: Dismantling the ‘pedagogy of big lies’71423248232.5%
7xf4w6v7Coloniality of Knowledge and the Challenge of Creating African Futures64329235145.4%
6331d10pThe Kushite Origins of Sumer and Elam59810948918.2%
8zt322fwPhilippine Historiography and Colonial Discourse: Eight Selected Essays on Postcolonial Studies in the Philippines (An Introduction to the Japanese Translation) by Yoshiko Nagano (translated into English by Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes)590505408.5%
23b7f9h6Art and Politics in the Balagtasan543544899.9%
17c6d1sbThe Vitality of Yoruba Culture in the Americas54022731342.0%
01k1c0vfBlack Consciousness and the Quest for a True Humanity51328522855.6%
92h8j7tdThe Largest Black Nation Outside Africa and its Racist Politics51075031.4%
3284d08q“The Black Man in the White Man’s Court”: Mandela at Wits University, South Africa, 1943-1949472224504.7%
24m1q0f9From Wilderness to Nation: the Evolution of Bayan46824222651.7%
4fk5d8x3Black Consciousness & the Quest for a True Humanity46035910178.0%
1j2538rwFilipino Intellectuals and Postcolonial Theory: The Case of E. San Juan, Jr.41274051.7%
12s403mzThe Meaning of Black Consciousness4013326982.8%
94h9q4h3Walter Rodney and The Restatement of Pan Africanism In Theory and Practice40026613466.5%
9pg469w2The Rise and Fall of Fascism395233725.8%
5t1376v0The Cell Phone and the Crowd: Messianic Politics in the Contemporary Philippines38910228726.2%
6q14n95bWhen the Zombie Becomes Critic: Misinterpreting Fela’s “Zombie” and the Need to Reexamine His Prevailing Motifs37321815558.4%
0nw283jjPost-War Reintegration, Reconstruction and Reconciliation Among the Anioma People of Nigeria3593035684.4%
1835f6tgOn the Market Day35663501.7%
1mr8q5p7Boone Schirmer on the Assassination of Aquino and Its Implications for the U.S. and Marcos353183355.1%
0cf1c74sDaniel O. Fagunwa, <em>Forest of a Thousand Daemons, A Hunters Saga<em> (New York, NY: Random House, 1982). pp. 140.</em> </em>3373271097.0%
8072719qLanguage Shift and National Identity in Tanzania3344528913.5%
4j47346dWomen Subjugating Women: Re-Reading Mariama Bâ's So Long a Letter and Scarlet Song3173228510.1%
4ph014jjPost-Colonial African Literature as Counter-Discourse: J.M. Coetzee's Foe and the Reworking of the Canon31410920534.7%
3cv6d3dfIslam and Women’s Rights3074326414.0%
3jm9186mCustomary Law in Anglophone Cameroon and the Repugnancy Doctrine: An Insufficient Complement to Human Rights2742423288.3%
6z0686f7Corruption in Uganda274272479.9%
6359f55gI Write What I Like26216110161.5%
8k7472tgAfrican Renaissance and Globalization: A Conceptual Analysis2532084582.2%
72k2n7m2The Social Character of Slavery in Asante and Dahomey2512822311.2%
450167x3A Linguistic Outline of Early Somali History2483421413.7%
5zn164xmGlobalization and its Impact on Core-Periphery Relations2472232490.3%
34x9h1h7Diaspora as Historical/Political Trope in Philippine Literature2462721911.0%
0830m6m8Edouard Glissant and the African Roots of Creolization2391588166.1%
9m27r0d5Women in Ngugi's Plays: From Passivity to Social Responsibility228102184.4%
72k950ppNotes on Slave-Trade Historiography22742231.8%
1tb4b0fkGérard Prunier, <em>The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide</em>, (New York: Columbia University Press), 1995. pp. 3892234318019.3%
6kx3b9z3Chinua Achebe. <em>There Was a Country</em>2223219014.4%
8p65m9zcAmilcar Cabral: Evolution of Revolutionary Thought221162057.2%
7hc8d096The "Contract" in Agostinho Neto's Poetry219122075.5%
98q1c1d1Space and Colonial Alterity: Interrogating British Residential Segregation in Nigeria, 1899-19192131248958.2%
7w80g2xrBalancing Male and Female Principles: Teaching About Gender in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart2121625076.4%
8kf4m24xKidnapping: An Underreported Aspect of African Agency During the Slave Trade Era (1440-1886)2091377265.6%
6dr950wkCorresponding Lives: Women Educators of the Alliance Israélite Universelle School for Girls in the City of Tunis, 1882-19142058711842.4%
7c8253btEarly Muslim Legal Philosophy: Identity and Difference in Islamic Jurisprudence1948510943.8%
79r869xvPoets and Poems of Sierra Leone1923116116.1%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.