UCLA Center for European and Eurasian Studies

Parent: UCLA International Institute

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
9pg469w2The Rise and Fall of Fascism556149139111157
3f35d97xMoroccan Berbers in Europe, the US and Africa and the Concept of Diaspora17433563946
5zn164xmGlobalization and its Impact on Core-Periphery Relations14828364143
6f03t43xNazi Disourses on "Rausch" Before And After 1945: Codes and Emotions12129432029
7jn764jtJewish Social History in the Nineteenth And Early Twentieth Centuries10722402322
84t8q4p1OUT OF EGYPT: Globalisation, marginalisation and illegal Muslim migration to the EU8226201323
9z91f2vsDionysian Politics and The Discourse of "Rausch"7222141620
6mp7c78dWho Is a Nazi Victim? Constructing Victimhood Through Post-War Reparations in France, Germany, Switzerland6515181814
67w279njEcstatic Crowds, Addicted Dictators, Intoxicating Politics: Reflections on Rausch and Fascist Italy501316912
6qh736hjExpression of Enthusiasm And Emotional Coding in Dictatorship - The Stalinist Soviet Union481915410
7pr8z2s3French Vote on EU Constitution4711141012
1fj371qxFacing the Test of Global Financial and Economic Crisis37811810
3n95c0twMichael Bazyler's Holocaust Justice34101284
0gm4g865The Difficult Role of Parliaments in the Reformed Governance of the European Economic and Monetary Union3281077
5zw5v3d4Demonstrative modification of proper nouns: a corpus-based study32111218
9cr2d26tNegotiating Globalization: The Challenges of International Intervention Through the Eyes of Albanian Muslims, 1850-2003.3296710
7nx917xnCloser Co-operation in Tomorrow’s European Union244866
3sx7p00sSpatiality, Temporality and Socialist Realism in "The Days Last More than a Hundred Years"422

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.