James S. Coleman African Studies Center

Parent: UCLA International Institute

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
2kj825dqSpeaking Without Toungue: Silence and Self-Search in Armah's The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born1,625441425400359
6331d10pThe Kushite Origins of Sumer and Elam723185244171123
8cj8q196Black Study, Black Struggle692159216140177
7xf4w6v7Coloniality of Knowledge and the Challenge of Creating African Futures633167153150163
3284d08q“The Black Man in the White Man’s Court”: Mandela at Wits University, South Africa, 1943-1949571204141116110
17c6d1sbThe Vitality of Yoruba Culture in the Americas517120117132148
5wr073ncDecolonizing Knowledge in South Africa: Dismantling the ‘pedagogy of big lies’49413590123146
92h8j7tdThe Largest Black Nation Outside Africa and its Racist Politics4678513915390
0nw283jjPost-War Reintegration, Reconstruction and Reconciliation Among the Anioma People of Nigeria4191631197067
94h9q4h3Walter Rodney and The Restatement of Pan Africanism In Theory and Practice414614343267
01k1c0vfBlack Consciousness and the Quest for a True Humanity3831071037796
1835f6tgOn the Market Day379979110487
1kv3h29zThe Land-Grabbing Debacle: An Analysis of South Africa and Senegal369243524034
6q14n95bWhen the Zombie Becomes Critic: Misinterpreting Fela’s “Zombie” and the Need to Reexamine His Prevailing Motifs36096819885
8072719qLanguage Shift and National Identity in Tanzania357879672102
0cf1c74sDaniel O. Fagunwa, <em>Forest of a Thousand Daemons, A Hunters Saga<em> (New York, NY: Random House, 1982). pp. 140.</em> </em>330100957164
3jm9186mCustomary Law in Anglophone Cameroon and the Repugnancy Doctrine: An Insufficient Complement to Human Rights32569888781
72k2n7m2The Social Character of Slavery in Asante and Dahomey31699947152
4ph014jjPost-Colonial African Literature as Counter-Discourse: J.M. Coetzee's Foe and the Reworking of the Canon312851105859
4j47346dWomen Subjugating Women: Re-Reading Mariama Bâ's So Long a Letter and Scarlet Song30469668485
7g4406gvPro-Nazi Subversion in South Africa295147604741
7w80g2xrBalancing Male and Female Principles: Teaching About Gender in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart28776704497
3c8738vjMau Mau: The Peak of African Political Organization and Struggle for Liberation in Colonial Kenya284761444519
1tb4b0fkGérard Prunier, <em>The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide</em>, (New York: Columbia University Press), 1995. pp. 38927975646971
6kx3b9z3Chinua Achebe. <em>There Was a Country</em>277651105052
7hc8d096The "Contract" in Agostinho Neto's Poetry25277495670
0h4255s9A.E. Opubor and O.E. Nwuneli, The Development and Growth of the Film Industry in Nigeria24160973945
53f1j6qmBeyond Elmina: The Slave Trade in Northern Ghana24184803740
98q1c1d1Space and Colonial Alterity: Interrogating British Residential Segregation in Nigeria, 1899-191924179655047
4fk5d8x3Black Consciousness &amp; the Quest for a True Humanity23446258479
450167x3A Linguistic Outline of Early Somali History22846785351
6359f55gI Write What I Like22879753836
8k7472tgAfrican Renaissance and Globalization: A Conceptual Analysis22037744762
0830m6m8Edouard Glissant and the African Roots of Creolization21849565558
3jm5n6pwArabic Loan Words in Hausa21086812023
72k950ppNotes on Slave-Trade Historiography20066643040
0jn89711The Currency of Revolution in Southern Nigeria: 1880-194819962494543
1700p1w0Aba Riots or the Igbo Women's War? - Ideology, Stratification and the Invisibility of Women19667373458
28h0r4srRevisiting Nationalism and Ethnicity in Africa18963344151
8kf4m24xKidnapping: An Underreported Aspect of African Agency During the Slave Trade Era (1440-1886)18950445342
0962m2tvThe Cultural Unity of Black Africa, The Domains of Matriarchy and of Patriarchy in Classical Antinquity, by Cheik Anta Diop; Conceptions of History: Cheikh Anta Diop and Theophile Obenga, by Chris Gray18642604737
63k8d46kAlienation and Revolutionary Vision in East African Post-Colonial Dramatic Literature18534386845
9896d35tAfrabia: Africa and the Arabs in the New World Order18554524138
0bk2d33cPuerto Rico and Africa: Elements of Yoruba Culture18456563834
6z0686f7Corruption in Uganda17833253387
9c82v5mxAfrican History: The Rise and Decline of Academic Tourism17869433432
0f60t2b1Retelling the Mau Mau Past from the Mbeere Perspective17737554441
5r64v5qgMandela, Luthuli, and Nonviolence in the South&nbsp;African Freedom Struggle17559483731
9q24t26fTransnational Migration, Identity, and the African Literary Experience17453513337
8p65m9zcAmilcar Cabral: Evolution of Revolutionary Thought17343442759

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.