From 1981 through 2018, the George Wright Society published The George Wright Forum, an interdisciplinary journal that explored innovative thinking and offered enduring perspectives on critical issues across the whole spectrum of place-based heritage management and stewardship. The George Wright Forum published insights from virtually every field in cultural and natural resources related to parks, protected areas, and cultural sites.
Beginning in 2020, that same editorial vision is carried on in a successor journal, Parks Stewardship Forum, co-published by the UC Berkeley Institute for People, Parks, and Biodiversity and the George Wright Society.
Volume 1, Issue 2, 1981
The editor makes the case that the new George Wright Society fosters "ignorance busting."
Historic preservation: Facing a crucial choice
The author ponders the reducation of federal funds for historic preservation under the new Reagan Administration and argues for a new emphasis on districts and complexes of buildings rather than single structures.
Comments on Carl Abbott's article
Commentary challenging the conclusions offered in the article by Carl Abbott in this issue.
Ecosystem responses to acid precipitation—Isle Royale National Park
An overview of the problem of acid precipitation and its effects on Isle Royale National Park.
Report to Secretary of the Interior James G. Watt—A review and recommendations on animal problems and related management needs in units of the National Park System
A report from a Special Task Force of the National Park System Advisory Board and its Council on five selected wildlife-related problems: wild boars, grizzlies, burros, interpreting the National Environmental Policy Act, and wolf protection and restoration.
Chronology of landmark documents concerning wildlife resources of U.S. national parks
A short chronology of key documents.
Long-term research: An answer to "When are you going to QUIT?"
A justification of the long-term moose–wolf study at Isle Royale National Park.
Charter Members
An updated list of Charter Members of the George Wright Society.
Miscellaneous notes on news items of interest and GWS activities .
[Authors, references, illustrations]
Author identifications, references for the article by J. Robert Sottlemyer on acid precipitation, iartist's credit for illustrations in the report on wildlife problems.