Understanding the University's Role in American Culture and Society

Parent: Presidential Papers—David Pierpont Gardner

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
15g16678The California Oath Controversy—Silence and Frustration195482
0t31w06n“Head and Hand: Education’s Working Partners,” Commencement Address, Utah Technical College, Provo, Utah14455
8j7814nnThe California System: Governing and Management Principles and Their Link to Academic Excellence13436
0531f0v9Remarks to the Senate Fiscal Retreat, Berkeley, California121173
30p046dd"Frontiers of Learning: The West and Higher Education," Centennial celebration, Stanford University, May 16, 198712246
0m58190n“Issues Confronting American Higher Education,” Fulbright Lecture, Japan.111181
460750vn“Public Policy and Higher Education to the Year 2000,” remarks to the Commission for the Review of the Master Plan, Sacramento, California113242
7653j7wtRemarks to the Commission for the Review of the Master Plan, Sacramento, California112351
9hn3715jRemarks for Dedication of R/V Robert Gordon Sproul, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA11191
5xk7k7tr"Independent Colleges and Universities: A Force for Constructive Change," American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities, Scottsdale, Arizona10226
56n5n3knThe University in Disarray: Causes of Conflict and Prospects for Change9441
88c3b1mvThe Case for the American University,” The Grace A. Tanner Lecture in Human Values, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah, April 22, 1993936
1nj9n5k1Remarks to the University of California Commission on the Future of the University826
2pj0b7c1Issues Confronting American Higher Education8161
1vj8t9hgDriving Mr. Kerr71231
70t4x3h2Remembering Bob Sproul7124
7n77r08q“Working Together: an Agenda for Joint Action,” Western College Association, Honolulu, Hawaii725
03c729cr“Intersegmental Activity from the University of California Perspective,” Intersegmental Coordinating Council Conference, San Francisco, California61131
1827d591“External Forces Affecting Higher Education,” Western Association of College and University Business Officers, Seattle, Washington615
56x0p4fmRemarks to the University of California Commission on the Future of the University, Oakland, California6114
8556c9z2Clark Kerr: Triumphs and Turmoil615
6tt7j9ggBy Oath and Association: The California Folly514
2b10197s“Faculty Powers, Freedoms, and Constraints in College and University Governance,” Utah Conference on Higher Education, Snow College, Ephraim, Utah422

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