Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of English

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
0513d277“Is Bing Xin a Chinese American Writer?” “冰心是华裔美国作家吗?论冰心《相片》之东方主义及种族主义批判 .”353534791162
20f8k5fdHeroism, Sensibility, and Gender: Mary Wollstonecraft's Feminist Politics in<em> A Vindication of the Rights of Woman</em> and <em>Maria: or, The Wrongs of Woman</em>31882937865
2ks5v4hhImmaterial Archives: An African Diaspora Poetics of Loss25776646156
70j061wcTranspacific Poetics: Ideographic and Prosodic Transpositions in Li-Young Lee’s “Persimmons” and Marilyn Chin’s “Summer Sleep”20380385035
807839r5(Mis)interpretations and (In)justice: The 1992 Los Angeles ‘Riots’ and ‘Black-Korean Conflict.19975533140
6s48n8h0Thinking “Diaspora” with Stuart Hall13130502724
15r8j7qxLived multidirectionality: “Historikerstreit 2.0” and the politics of Holocaust memory11637272923
6cg447s0When Spirits Talk: Reading Erna Brodber’s Louisiana for Affect11329273324
2mf9q3xxThe Archive and Affective Memory in M. Nourbese Philip's Zong!11132303019
1tm7x1rvScribal Authorship and the Writing of History in Medieval England11032163626
88w223j9"Chinese American Literature in the New Century 新世纪的美国及海外华裔美国文学." Jiangnan Magazine [江南] 2018 No. 2: 146-159.10531251930
77n2q7qn“Talk-Story: Counter-Memory in Maxine Hong Kingston's China Men.”10343211920
8nd2p4xr“Convergences and Divergences in Chinese and Chinese American (Auto)Biographies.” “中美华裔作家自传/他传之异同.”101954146
01z6w5zrSomewhat Queer Triangles: Yiyun Li’s “The Princess of Nebraska" and "Gold Boy, Emerald Girl"942938189
7568z540(Refugee) Children's Stories: Untold Truths from the San Fernando Valley Refugee Children Center9324153915
0fd2t74d“The Woman Warrior versus The Chinaman Pacific: Must a Chinese American Critic Choose between Feminism and Heroism?” Conflicts in Feminism. Ed. Marianne Hirsch and Evelyn Fox Keller. New York: Routledge, 1990. 234-2518824133219
47k1b3bkRoutes and roots8634142216
69z944xs“Don't Tell”: Imposed Silences in <i>The Color Purple</i> and <i>The Woman Warrior</i>802522258
6k31748mThe Subject of Religion: Lacan and the Ten Commandments752482914
0xd5815cJudicial Torture in Canon Law and Church Tribunals: From Gratian to Galileo7420172512
2x74s415"Introduction: The Transnational Turn, " in the <em> Cambridge Companion to Transnational American Literature </em>7113152617
1pn3w3dbThrice Muted Tale: Interplay of Art and Politics in Hisaye Yamamoto's "The Legend of Miss Sasagawara"6321141711
2cz308c9Shakespeare and Kierkegaard: "Dread" in Macbeth611662415
4b87079nThe Other Father in Barack Obama's Dream From My Father5617111711
0k70v70mSlanted Allusions5214131015
907252xdReading Boethius in Medieval England: The Consolation of Philosophy from Alfred to Ashby501561811
2rd60999An Empathetic Art: Renwen仁文Masculinity in Asian American Literature49157198
4k20s5h7Galileo's Non-Trial (1616), Pre-Trial (1632–1633), and Trial (May 10, 1633): A Review of Procedure, Featuring Routine Violations of the Forum of Conscience491117129
98t6p25nLife, Labor, and a Coolie Picturesque in Jamaica491510186
9q9165xgChinese and Chinese American Life-Writing471512155
8cm8n8b2Identity, Assimilation, and Representations of American Judaism in Philip Roth's American Trilogy45167184
8r8870v1“Three Korean American Dreams: Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker.”44313226
296587ffEnlightenment Bubbles, Romantic Worlds439101113
6gs7n4v0Radiation Ecologies and the Wars of Light43161395
1cm0f4dtPremodern and Postcritical: Medieval Enigmata and the Hermeneutic Style41715136
1dz22644A Canterbury School of Literary Theory:40138811
7j25q33k斯基普 . 盖茨与王家湘38129134
72d736jxHeavy Waters: Waste and Atlantic Modernity37139123
0hf9s57wAffinity of Mindscape and Landscape in Tao Qian and Emerson35141092
7210f4m9“Of Men and Men: Reconstructing Chinese American Masculinity.”3571693
1fh8k580The Chinese American Writer as Migrant: Ha Jin's Restive Manifesto3414119
2rv7v732Bodies Behaving Badly: The Eucharist and the New Philosophy34113155
7j66188vSlanted Allusions: Transnational Poetics and Politics of Marilyn Chin and Russell Leong3310887
40g0s9z7Illuminating the Fall: Negotiating Hubris and Hope in Representations of Radiation3271852
9hw452jcSatellite Planetarity and the Ends of the Earth32910112

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.