Capstone Projects

Parent: Department of English

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
2rx3h75bChanging the Unchangeable: The Transformative Power of Queerness in Magical Realism1721551790.1%
6rc3v76cConsuming Raw: Cannibalistic Transformation in Julia Ducournau’s <em>Raw</em> (2016)86483855.8%
8057h30gCan the Subaltern Speak?: The Ringing Feminine Silence at the center of Allende’s “And of Clay are we Created”49361373.5%
26m2757sBeyond the Other Hand: Self, Social, and Technology in Agnès Varda’s <em>The Gleaners and I</em>41261563.4%
2nb1g2c7Gentrification and Enclosure: Two Sides of the Same Coin38162242.1%
79w6x5w0In Search of Lost Ecology: Recovering a Rural Past in <em>Housekeeping</em> &amp; <em>The Gleaners and I</em>29151451.7%
4gj8d8trSubject and the City: <em>Sex and the City’s</em> Exposure of Feminine Pursuits in ‘Secret Sex’2181338.1%
45z9q23zFemale Magic as a Source of Power in Rosario Ferré’s “Sleeping Beauty”2031715.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.