Globalization of I.T.

Parent: Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
7r55529zDell Computer: Using E-commerce To Support the Virtual Company2532203387.0%
7x26b75sCreating a Computer Industry Giant: China's Industrial Policies and Outcomes in the 1990s2251962987.1%
6wq2f4hxGlobalization of the Personal Computer Industry: Trends and Implications1951593681.5%
1k3982mpGlobalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in Singapore124933175.0%
2x73003zEnvironment and Policy Factors Shaping E-commerce Diffusion: A Cross-Country Comparison12391147.3%
6gw3d0rsA Cross-Country Study of Electronic Business Adoption Using the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework1101001090.9%
1tx1b7x7Impacts of Economic Integration on the Computer Sector in Mexico and the United States9991891.9%
6ck5b2h8Electronic Business Adoption by European Firms: A Cross-country Assessment of the Facilitators and Inhibitors99792079.8%
2kg461gnDiffusion and Impacts of the Internet and E-Commerce in Japan92712177.2%
62n7x74xFrom Industry Protection to Industry Promotion: IT Policy in Brazil92751781.5%
7p13f3gdE-Commerce in Singapore: Impetus and Impact of Globalization91682374.7%
2p02g8tbMarket Making in the PC Industry77383949.4%
89x7p4wsDell Computer: Organization of a Global Production Network74235131.1%
2w71v0qtGlobalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in Mexico70353550.0%
7ws3n2jwMigration to Open-Standard Interorganizational Systems: Network Effects, Switching Costs and Path Dependency69234633.3%
4sq9672pApple Computer: The iCEO Seizes the Internet68363252.9%
8906d9xbGlobalization of E-Commerce: Environment and Policy in Germany67422562.7%
4pv3z4z2Globalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in Denmark65343152.3%
91t899vcGlobalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in Taiwan59392066.1%
16v0j5pnKorean Technology Policy at a Crossroads: The Case of Computers53183534.0%
5rf7x7q5Information Infrastructure, National Policy, and Global Competitiveness53341964.2%
0hv4n3qxGlobalization in the Computer Industry: Implications of the Asian Production Network for the U.S51213041.2%
1rw8t9vrGlobalization of E-commerce: Environment and Policy of Taiwan51411080.4%
4fq29003Diffusion and Impacts of the Internet and E-Commerce: The Case of Denmark47272057.4%
7qn582kqModerators of the Diffusion of Technological Innovation: Growth of the Japanese PC Industry47192840.4%
1nm4f459Globalization and E-Commerce: Diffusion and Impacts of the Internet and E-Commerce in Germany45232251.1%
03n064c8The Impacts of Information Technology, the Internet and Electronic Commerce on Firm and Industry Structure: The Personal Computer Industry3883021.1%
82h77681The Taiwanese Notebook Computer Production Network in China: Implication for Upgrading of the Chinese Electronics Industry3853313.2%
5mn5f085Liberalization and the Computer Industry: A Comparison of Four Developing Countries373348.1%
20r9788bNational Computer Policy and Development in China36142238.9%
5jb046s2Globalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in Brazil36191752.8%
2x51z4r5Globalization and E-commerce: Environment and Policy in Mexico35171848.6%
79k4p8w0Global and National Factors Affecting E-commerce Diffusion in China35171848.6%
3pc6d7d1The Diffusion and Impacts of the Internet and E-commerce in Taiwan3142712.9%
2sf1h8hnGlobalization and E-Commerce: Growth and Impacts in France3023776.7%
6cf3c58zCompeting through Standards: DOS/V and Japan's PC Market30201066.7%
8tb5h9sbE-commerce Readiness and Diffusion: The Case of Brazil3082226.7%
2724x6xjInstitutional Environment and the Development of Information and Communication Technology in India29171258.6%
4zf0w4hcEuropean E-commerce Report2921872.4%
6tx9v7g5Turning Loose the Invisible Hand: New Zealand's Information Technology Policy29121741.4%
0db1w1h0Gateway Computer: Using E-commerce to move Beyond the Box and to move more boxes2732411.1%
6hn929d4Japan E-commerce Report 20002718966.7%
83n6r4wcReconciling Vision and Reality in Japan's NII Policy2742314.8%
696951b0China IT Report22121054.5%
8ts3c0xnGlobalization and E-commerce: The French Environment and Policy2215768.2%
0jn5z3d7Back to the Future: Japan's NII Plans2114766.7%
1dk1x2gmDiffusion and Impacts of the Internet and E-Commerce in Ch2171433.3%
8tr9s0mkGlobal Market Potential For Information Technology Products and Services201195.0%
9vq436pjThe Global Computer Market: Where is Potential for Growth the Greatest?2041620.0%
9zj707xhIndia's Quest for Self Reliance in Information Technology: Costs and Benefits of Government Intervention1916384.2%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.