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Open Access Publications from the University of California

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This is the website for papers published by the Center for Pervasive Communications and Computing at the University of California, Irvine.

Cover page of On the Synergistic Benefits of Reconfigurable Antennas and Partial Channel Knowledge for the MIMO Interference Channel

On the Synergistic Benefits of Reconfigurable Antennas and Partial Channel Knowledge for the MIMO Interference Channel


Blind Interference Alignment (BIA) schemes create and exploit channel coherence patterns without the knowledge of channel realizations at transmitters, while beamforming schemes rely primarily on channel knowledge available to the transmit- ters without regard to channel coherence patterns. In order to explore the compatibility of these disparate ideas and the possibility of synergistic gains, this work studies the Degrees of Freedom (DoF) of the 2-user (𝑀1 × 𝑁1)(𝑀2 × 𝑁2) Multiple- Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Interference Channel (IC) where Transmitter 1 is equipped with reconfigurable antennas and has no channel knowledge, while Transmitter 2 has partial channel knowledge but no reconfigurable antennas. Taking a fundamental dimensional analysis perspective, the main question is to identify which antenna configurations allow synergistic DoF gains. The main results of this work are two-fold. The first result identifies antenna configurations where both reconfigurable antennas and partial channel knowledge are individually beneficial, as those where 𝑀1 < 𝑁1 < min(𝑀2,𝑁2). The second result shows that synergistic gains exist in each of these settings, over the best known solutions that rely on either reconfigurable antennas or partial channel knowledge alone. Coding schemes that jointly exploit partial channel knowledge and reconfigurable antennas emerge as a byproduct of the analysis.

Cover page of Exploring Aligned-Images Bounds:Robust Secure GDoF of 3-to-1 Interference Channel

Exploring Aligned-Images Bounds:Robust Secure GDoF of 3-to-1 Interference Channel


Sum-set inequalities based on Aligned-Images bounds have been recently introduced as essential elements of converse proofs for asymptotic/approximate wireless network capacity characterizations under robust assumptions, i.e., as- sumptions that limit channel knowledge at the transmitters to finite precision. While these sum-set inequalities have produced robust Generalized Degrees of Freedom (GDoF) results for various wireless networks, their scope and limitations in general are not well understood. To explore these limitations, in this work we study the robust secure GDoF of a symmetric 3-user many- to-one interference channel. We identify regimes where existing sum-set inequalities are sufficient, settling the GDoF for those settings. For the remaining regime we conjecture the form of new sum-set inequalities that may be needed, whose validity remains an open problem for future work.