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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Combinatorial Theory

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Accepted Papers

Papers accepted for publication in Combinatorial Theory which have not yet been published:

  •  Matthew Baker, Oliver Lorscheid and Tianyi Zhang
    Foundations of Matroids: Further theory, examples, and computational methods

  • Stefaan De Winter
    Projective Two-Weight Sets of Denniston Type

  • Srečko Brlek and Shuo Li
    On the number of squares in a finite word

  • Wenjie Fang,  Éric Fusy and Philippe Nadeau
    Tamari intervals and blossoming trees

  • Michele D'Adderio, Roberto Riccardi and Viola Siconolfi
    Chromatic functions, interval orders and increasing forests

  • Benjamin Dequêne, Mélodie Lapointe, Yann Palu, Pierre-Guy Plamondon, Christophe Reutenauer, and Hugh Thomas
    A generalization of perfectly clustering words and band bricks for certain gentle algebras

  • Jinyoung Park, Michail Sarantis, and Prasad Tetali
    Note on the number of antichains in generalizations of the Boolean lattice

  • Candida Bowtell and Richard Mycroft
    Matchings in multipartite hypergraphs

  • Bishal Deb
    Continued fractions using a Laguerre digraph interpretation of the Foata--Zeilberger bijection and its variants

  • Erik Panzer and Karen Yeats
    Feynman symmetries of the Martin and $c_2$ invariants of regular graphs

  • Elisabetta Cornacchia and Jan Hązła
    Intransitive dice tournament is not quasirandom

  • Nathan Reading and Laura Brestensky
    Noncrossing partitions of an annulus

  • Akihiro Higashitani, Satoshi Murai, and Masahiko Yoshinaga
    Ehrhart quasi-polynomials and parallel translations

  • Andrei Asinowski, Jean Cardinal, Stefan Felsner, and Éric Fusy
    Combinatorics of rectangulations: Old and new bijections

  • Kyle Celano, Nicholas Sieger, and Sam Spiro
    Eulerian Polynomials for Digraphs

  • Hou Tin Chau, David Ellis, Ehud Friedgut, and Noam Lifshitz
    On the maximum degree of induced subgraphs of the Kneser graph

  • Izabella Laba and Charlotte Trainor
    Generalized polynomials and hyperplane functions in $(\mathbb{Z}/p^k\mathbb{Z})^n$

  • Houcine Ben Dali
    Differential equations for the series of hypermaps with control on their full degree profile

  • Hadrien Notarantonio and Sergey Yurkevich
    Systems of Discrete Differential Equations, Constructive Algebraicity of the Solutions

  • Guillaume Chapuy
    On the scaling of random Tamari intervals and Schnyder woods of random triangulations (with an asymptotic D-finite trick)

  • Luis Ferroni and Benjamin Schröter
    Split matroids from Tutte polynomials

  • Jan Hązła
    The Probability That a Random Triple of Dice Is Transitive

  • Andrew Sack
    A realization of poset associahedra

  • Sam Hopkins
    Upho lattices I: examples and non-examples of cores

  • Jasper Moxuan Liu
    Viennot Shadows and Graded Module Structure in Colored Permutation Groups

  • Anneleen De Schepper and Antonio Pasini
    Maps related to polar spaces preserving an extremal Weyl distance

  • Changxin Ding
    A framework unifying some bijections for graphs and its connection to Lawrence polytopes

  • Yelena Mandelshtam, Dmitrii Pavlov, and Elizabeth Pratt
    Combinatorics of $m=1$ Grasstopes

  • Foster Tom
    A signed $e$-expansion of the chromatic quasisymmetric function

  • Maarten De Boeck and Geertrui Van de Voorde
    Anzahl theorems for disjoint subspaces generating a non-degenerate subspace: quadratic forms

  • Olivier Bodini,  Alexandros Singh, Noam Zeilberger
    Asymptotic Distribution of Parameters in Trivalent Maps and Linear Lambda Terms

  • Benjamin Braun and James McElroy
    Volume inequalities for flow polytopes of full directed acyclic graphs

  • Jonathan Jedwab and Thomas Pender
    Two constructions of quaternary Legendre pairs of even length