Who Can Submit
Crossroads of Language, Interaction and Culture is an outlet for selected conference proceedings of CLIC GSA at UCLA and the UC Santa Barbara Language, Interaction and Social Organization (LISO) graduate student group. In line with the objectives of the conference, which alternates between the UCLA and UCSB campuses each year, the journal promotes interdisciplinary work on the intersection of language, culture and conversational activities and gives priority to publishing graduate student work.
Author Review
Authors will an opportunity to approve papers they have submitted prior to them being published.
Once published, a paper may not be updated or removed from public view.
Rights and Permissions
Before submitting a manuscript, authors agree that all necessary permissions have been cleared. Authors retain the copyright to their manuscript and grant CLIC GSA at UCLA and all related affiliates the nonexclusive right to publish it. Authors may disseminate and use their manuscript, but they may not publish it elsewhere. Acceptance of a manuscript will be contingent on a signed author’s agreement.