Energy Use in Buildings / Enabling Technologies

Parent: California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE)

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
12z3z69cA Prototype Toolkit For Evaluating Indoor Environmental Quality In Commercial Buildings3252715.6%
02b1g4p8Smart Thermostats Plus Heat Pumps: Incompatible? Or Just Need Counseling?2952417.2%
2m26w9crBroken Information Feedback Loops Prevent Good Building Energy Performance—Integrated Technological and Sociological Fixes Are Needed2982127.6%
7g37226fWhen Smart Thermostats Are Dumb: Lessons Learned from Evaluating Eight Advanced Thermostats2982127.6%
24d0v2j6Occupational Cultures as a Challenge to Technological Innovation27131448.1%
2034k73qPortable Piezo Charging2532212.0%
20n3h0g4Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program Final Project Report:  State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations 2012-20142442016.7%
6w4406zcSpinning Reserves from Responsive Loads2421387.5%
7dn0q321Self-Correcting Controls for VAV System Faults2471729.2%
08g6m318Fabrication and Characterization of PZT Thin Film for Energy Harvesting Application221214.5%
10s3g0fhOpen Software-Architecture for Building Monitoring and Control2231913.6%
3d76z1tmMonitoring-Based Commissioning: Early Results from a Portfolio of University Campus Projects222209.1%
99s1d7s2UC Berkeley's Cory Hall: Evaluation of Challenges and Potential Applications of Building-to-Grid Implementation2251722.7%
2xd5p1qsRenewable Energy Integration1915478.9%
6k15d7ghHamilton: Flexible, Open Source $10 Wireless Sensor System for Energy Efficient Building Operation1941521.1%
6xs7g7g0Woodridge Energy Study & Monitoring Pilot1913668.4%
3052f752Monitoring-Based Commissioning: Tracking the Evolution and Adoption of a Paradigm-Shifting Approach to Retro-Commissioning1821611.1%
5xd2f5fmTechnical Review of Residential Programmable Communicating Thermostat Implementation for Title 24-20081851327.8%
0wf4n3zmA Distributed Intelligent Automated Demand Response Building Management System171165.9%
15m4j9cbService-Based Universal Application Interface for Demand Response Energy Systems1741323.5%
3r31b80pConsumer 'White Goods' in Energy Management1711664.7%
5kd0f8fjSetting Enhanced Performance Targets for a New University Campus: Benchmarks vs. Energy Standards as a Reference?1741323.5%
71x8b1gfImproving Energy Efficiency Through Exploratory Sub-Metering of Cory Hall1641225.0%
8p73q403A MEMS AC Current Sensor for Residential and Commercial Electricity End-Use Monitoring169756.3%
8x0782nnCase Study: Adaptive LED Wall Packs160160.0%
39q6g5jfBenchmark-based, Whole-Building Energy Performance Targets for UC Buildings1521313.3%
8s1394nvSocial Dimensions of Demand Response Technologies1541126.7%
9g18s6b8MEMS Proximity Voltage Sensing1551033.3%
08h732xzCalifornia Demand Response Business Network (DRBizNet) Field Simulation Workshop145935.7%
35z8851wElectric Power Sensing for Demand Response1441028.6%
6jf9q70jHow Monitoring-Based Commissioning Contributes to Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings146842.9%
9qk6f2wzDemand Response Electrical Appliance Manager (DREAM): User Interface Design, Development and Testing1421214.3%
0h91x8qsSimulation Engine - Test House1321115.4%
1cw835jrReal-Time Pricing in California: R&D Issues and Needs.134930.8%
36h0h1xwPiezoelectric Vibrational Energy Scavengers Using Sol-gel-Derived PZT Thin Films1321115.4%
3b84b81sNon-Contact Current Sensors for Power Distribution1331023.1%
42x5212cHitting the Whole Target: Setting and Achieving Goals for Deep Efficiency Buildings138561.5%
4v9730rbStrain Enhancement in Sol-gel PZT Energy Harvesting1321115.4%
59h79747Case Study: Adaptive Parking Lot Lighting1321115.4%
5q57p1c5PicoCube: A 1cm3 Sensor Node Powered by Harvested Energy135838.5%
1jk3t813Privacy and the Law in Demand Response Energy Systems126650.0%
1w37418dLow-Frequency Vibration Energy Harvesting121118.3%
3d5279m3Multi-Zone Energy Simulation Tool (MZest)123925.0%
9589w6h4Privacy Considerations in Demand Response Energy Systems124833.3%
9qq73309MEMS Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting From Ambient Vibrations1221016.7%
0jb9984hManufacturing of Thermal Based Energy Scavengers for Wireless Sensor Networks111109.1%
0q70g6t6Meter Scoping Study115645.5%
4gx59602Network Security Architecture for Demand Response/Sensor Networks118372.7%
58h8s815Control and Communications Integration Project Mappings119281.8%
68p1n8bwDemand Response Enabling Technologies from the Building Side of the Meter114736.4%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.