California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE)

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
02c6h0smWECC Wind Generator Development19171843.7%
35k1861zBiomethane from Dairy Waste, a Sourcebook for the Production and Use of Renewable Natural Gas1503012020.0%
2nh0h4nbPersistence of Energy Efficiency Behaviors over Time: Evidence from a Community-Based Program13931362.2%
6bx133h8Keeping the lights on: the Oakland EcoBlock community electrification and microgrid improves health, comfort and resilience in an urban neighborhood13241283.0%
0696v9nbSocial Vulnerability to Climate Change in California1272510219.7%
1qm749nxPotential Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the San Francisco Bay Area121229918.2%
5wd1797mFire and Climate Change in California: Changes in the Distribution and Frequency of Fire in Climates of the Future and Recent Past (1911-2099)121398232.2%
0jp4w9hqThe Impacts of Sea Level Rise on the San Francisco Bay96346235.4%
17582969Estimating Risk to California Energy Infrastructure from Projected Climate Change94286629.8%
1bs0h6pkVulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in California Agriculture85196622.4%
9qx629fhClimate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Adaptation in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Synthesis of PIER Program Reports and Other Relevant Research83107312.0%
49v0n1n2Climate Change and Wildfire in and Around California: Fire Modeling and Loss Modeling796737.6%
63k9r489Behavior-Based Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of the Oakland EcoBlock Final Project Report75156020.0%
2267w31cNumber and propagation of line outages in cascading events in electric power transmission systems742722.7%
81x1c1t5Challenges to the Integration of Renewable Resources at High System Penetration74235131.1%
76w3m09cDevelopment of Fault Current Controller Technology720720.0%
5rw0t7nzMarket Effects and Market Transformation: Their Role in Energy Efficiency Program Design and Evaluation66531380.3%
1s88n8c6White Paper: The EcoBlock Project and the “Own Use” Exemption under Public Utilities Code Section 218 – A Way Forward for Privately Operated Microgrids63125119.0%
99k3736hWECC Wind Power Plant Power Flow Modeling Guide62154724.2%
1vc2q811Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation in San Francisco Bay: Results from Case Studies61164526.2%
5g1631vcPersistence of Behavioral Energy Management Activities and Savings in Commercial Office Buildings614576.6%
5bk6h3pqDistribution Monitoring for Renewables Integration592573.4%
46f4w12kKey Challenges for California's Energy Future56421475.0%
3t2160dpAdaptation Strategies for Agricultural Sustainability in Yolo County, California55163929.1%
6ww5h5jmBehaviour Change at Work: empowering energy efficiency in the workplace through user-centred design5584714.5%
3q9849pcElectric Distribution System Simulation and Analysis Tools: Status and Research Gaps for Integration of Renewables and Electric Vehicles54114320.4%
9c0618tqClimate Change: Challenges And Solutions For California Agricultural Landscapes542523.7%
28r0c56dPreparing for the Impacts of Climate Change in California: Opportunities and Constraints for Adaptation523495.8%
4nz3q892Open-Source, Open-Architecture SoftwarePlatform for Plug-InElectric Vehicle SmartCharging in California52322061.5%
7ch5r7bjUtility investment vs. consumer loans: Getting to yes on energy efficiency through inclusive financing for all515469.8%
8vw23703Market Structure and Energy Efficiency:The Case of New Commercial Buildings5194217.6%
30m1f02xDuct Tape Durability Testing484448.3%
3jb1n7fkEvaluation Of Titanium Dioxide As An Air Pollutant Removing Photocatalyst483456.3%
2zd3m0krCool Colored Cars to Reduce Air-Conditioning Energy Use and reduce CO2 Emission47123525.5%
5ph7c1khCarbon Market Investment Criteria for Biochar projects4783917.0%
98x2n4rsHotspots of Climate-Driven Increases in Residential Electricity Demand: A Simulation Exercise Based on Household Level Billing Data for California47173036.2%
89s3b4dgTeenagers as Energy Conservation Stewards: The Dial Down Challenge46123426.1%
9fq5v6k7City of Santa Barbara Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability Study46103621.7%
294157mqConsequences of Climate Change for Native Plants and Conservation453426.7%
5wv9f40kImpacts of Predicted Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Storm Events on the Transportation Infrastructure in the San Francisco Bay Region44103422.7%
7j20759sElectricity Price Communication in California and Beyond44152934.1%
4fx8983fCurrent State of the Art in Solar Forecasting43142932.6%
4jt2w2q2Community-Based Climate Adaptation Planning: Case Study of Oakland, California4273516.7%
4z76h1cnOscillation Detection and Analysis424389.5%
5m081406Lessons Learned and Next Steps in Energy Efficiency Measurement and Attribution: Energy Savings, Net to Gross, Non-Energy Benefits, and Persistence of Energy Efficiency Behavior42132931.0%
45w3k7bzBehavioral Assumptions Underlying California Residential Sector Energy Efficiency Programs4173417.1%
6c96p3q3Climate Change Scenarios for the San Francisco Region41113026.8%
09s3h0t6Zenergy Power Corporate Fact Sheet403377.5%
7jx9s0zdLife‐Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Electricity Generation and Storage Technologies and Common Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Building Technologies402385.0%
8887j9brCoastal Flooding Potential Projections: 2000-21003853313.2%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.