Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference

Parent: California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE)

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
2nh0h4nbPersistence of Energy Efficiency Behaviors over Time: Evidence from a Community-Based Program13621341.5%
7ch5r7bjUtility investment vs. consumer loans: Getting to yes on energy efficiency through inclusive financing for all534497.5%
5g1631vcPersistence of Behavioral Energy Management Activities and Savings in Commercial Office Buildings503476.0%
6ww5h5jmBehaviour Change at Work: empowering energy efficiency in the workplace through user-centred design373348.1%
62d3456pImpact of Energy Disaggregation on Consumer Behavior3543111.4%
3cc9b30tPeak-Coincident Demand Savings from Behavior-Based Programs: Evidence from PPL Electric's Behavior and Education Program342325.9%
7jg1r8t1Making efficiency visible – Insights on effective nudging across decision styles and choice models340340.0%
05p2948nTailoring climate change communication to female target groups – an experimental analysis of voting and consumer behavior in Switzerland312296.5%
83z390h2Household activities through various lenses: crossing surveys, diaries and electric consumption2862221.4%
8rm3h9h5Strategic Energy Management.  Keys to Behavioral and Operational Change.281273.6%
1c2117bmSusLabNWE: Integrating qualitative and quantitative data to understand people’s everyday energy behavior2642215.4%
5qx94338Revealing Occupancy Diversity Factors in Buildings Using Sensor Data2518772.0%
4z68561xOne of These Homes is Not Like the Other: Residential Energy Consumption Variability23131056.5%
1128g46sWhy Doesn't 25 Years of an Evolving Energy Code Make More of a Difference?210210.0%
1vs503pxPracticing Energy, or Energy Consumption as Social Practice2181338.1%
5pc2v48vCharacterizing Customer Preferences:  How the Doritos® Nachos Method Works for Electricity Service Plans211204.8%
02d7z8d2Modelling the impact of user behaviour on heat energy consumption1931615.8%
6s13r74mRapid energy savings in London's households to mitigate an energy crisis1910952.6%
6h22x9btCo-designing with office workers to reduce energy consumption and improve comfort1841422.2%
5v0513ftWho Should Participate in DR Program? Modeling with Machine Learning and Credit Scoring1741323.5%
7jz9z1zgCommercial Strategic Energy Management: Approaches and Best Practices170170.0%
8xx3z6qxRenewable Energy, Infrastructure and GHG Implication of Electrified Transportation: Metro Vancouver Case Study1761135.3%
9gh2g6x2Behavior Wedge Profiles for Cities: A New Tool for Identifying Opportunities and Targeting Behavioral Programs1741323.5%
790411z1Residential Behavioral Savings: An Analysis of Principal Electricity End Uses in British Columbia1551033.3%
0jv0j8kxA technical framework to describe occupant behavior for building energy simulations141137.1%
1ks1554jThe role of self-reporting in heating energy efficiency1321115.4%
53b5k0x2The U.S. on 10-15 kWh/day130130.0%
2sr794kxA Demonstration of an Energy Feedback Research Platform in a Field Study of Real-Time Social Comparisons101910.0%
51h014h5Changing Industrial Energy Behavior Via Education: Case Study of an Energy Efficiency Refrigeration Certification101910.0%
2ww9116sWhat Are People's Responses to Thermal Discomfort? Sensing Clothing and Activity Levels Using SenseCam91811.1%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.