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Open Access Publications from the University of California

California HIV/AIDS Research Program Funded Publications

Since its founding in 1983 by California State Legislature, the California HIV/AIDS Research Program (CHRP) has supported excellent, timely, and innovative research that is attentive to the needs of California, accelerating progress towards prevention, care and treatment for HIV/AIDS. During this time over $250M has been awarded for over 2,000 research projects.

CHRP provides start-up funds for the development of cutting edge research in California, providing critical leverage to bring in federal and private dollars to the state. A 2006 survey of California investigators found that more than five dollars in federal and other grant support was generated for every dollar invested by CHRP in California-based research.

Cover page of Strategies to Facilitate Service Utilization Among Youth at Risk for HIV: A Randomized Controlled Trial (ATN 149).

Strategies to Facilitate Service Utilization Among Youth at Risk for HIV: A Randomized Controlled Trial (ATN 149).


Sexual and gender minority youth (SGMY) are vulnerable to acquiring HIV and need HIV prevention and health services, but may have competing needs. A prior analysis found that PrEP use reports increased in a combination intervention study arm with coaching, peer support, and automated text-messages. This paper examines ancillary support and healthcare services utilization as secondary intervention objectives. SGMY (N = 895, 40% Black, 29% Latino) in Los Angeles and New Orleans were recruited from May, 2017 to August, 2019 and randomized to four intervention conditions: (a) automated text-messaging and monitoring intervention (AMMI), (b) AMMI plus peer support online (AMMI+PS), (c) AMMI plus strengths-based coaching by near-peer paraprofessionals (AMMI+C), or (d) all three (AMMI+PS+C). Intent-to-treat multivariate regression analyses evaluated the interventions efficacy on past 4-month reports of ancillary support services use, having a regular healthcare provider, receiving care from doctors office or clinic and mental health specialists, and participation in mental health support groups and HIV prevention programs. Ancillary services utilization reports declined from 40% of youth reporting an average of 4.4 services at baseline to 22.6% reporting 2.5 services by 24 months. Food, housing, transportation, and other basic services were utilized most frequently. Youth in the two coaching interventions maintained higher reports of services use over time compared to AMMI-only (both OR 1.23, 95%CI 1.12-1.35) and to AMMI+PS (both OR 1.20 95%CI 1.08-1.33). Our coaching intervention may support SGMY to stay engaged in support services. Results may be limited by self-report biases. It is unclear if these services are related to better long-term outcomes.

Cover page of Strategies to Facilitate Service Utilization Among Youth at Risk for HIV: A Randomized Controlled Trial (ATN 149)

Strategies to Facilitate Service Utilization Among Youth at Risk for HIV: A Randomized Controlled Trial (ATN 149)


Sexual and gender minority youth (SGMY) are vulnerable to acquiring HIV and need HIV prevention and health services, but may have competing needs. A prior analysis found that PrEP use reports increased in a combination intervention study arm with coaching, peer support, and automated text-messages. This paper examines ancillary support and healthcare services utilization as secondary intervention objectives. SGMY (N = 895, 40% Black, 29% Latino) in Los Angeles and New Orleans were recruited from May, 2017 to August, 2019 and randomized to four intervention conditions: (a) automated text-messaging and monitoring intervention (AMMI), (b) AMMI plus peer support online (AMMI+PS), (c) AMMI plus strengths-based coaching by near-peer paraprofessionals (AMMI+C), or (d) all three (AMMI+PS+C). Intent-to-treat multivariate regression analyses evaluated the interventions' efficacy on past 4-month reports of ancillary support services use, having a regular healthcare provider, receiving care from doctor's office or clinic and mental health specialists, and participation in mental health support groups and HIV prevention programs. Ancillary services utilization reports declined from 40% of youth reporting an average of 4.4 services at baseline to 22.6% reporting 2.5 services by 24 months. Food, housing, transportation, and other basic services were utilized most frequently. Youth in the two coaching interventions maintained higher reports of services use over time compared to AMMI-only (both OR 1.23, 95%CI 1.12-1.35) and to AMMI+PS (both OR 1.20 95%CI 1.08-1.33). Our coaching intervention may support SGMY to stay engaged in support services. Results may be limited by self-report biases. It is unclear if these services are related to better long-term outcomes.

Cover page of Staggered immunization with mRNA vaccines encoding SARS-CoV-2 polymerase or spike antigens broadens the T cell epitope repertoire

Staggered immunization with mRNA vaccines encoding SARS-CoV-2 polymerase or spike antigens broadens the T cell epitope repertoire


Combining a T cell-targeting mRNA vaccine encoding the conserved SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, RdRp, with a Spike-encoding mRNA vaccine may offer an additional pathway toward COVID-19 protection. Here, we show that a nucleoside-modified RdRp mRNA vaccine raises robust and durable CD8+ T cell responses in mice. Immunization drives a CD8+ T cell response enriched toward a specific RdRp epitope. Unexpectedly, coadministration of mRNA vaccines encoding RdRp or the Spike Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) dampens RBD-specific immune responses. Contralateral administration reduces the suppression of RBD-specific T cell responses while type I interferon signaling blockade restores RBD-specific antibodies. A staggered immunization strategy maintains both RBD vaccine-mediated antibody and T cell responses as well as protection against lethal SARS-CoV-2 challenge in human ACE2 transgenic mice. In HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice, the RdRp vaccine elicits CD8+ T cell responses against HLA-A*02:01-restricted epitopes recognized by human donor T cells. These results highlight RdRp as a candidate antigen for COVID-19 vaccines. The findings also offer insights into crafting effective multivalent mRNA vaccines to broaden CD8+ T cell responses against SARS-CoV-2 and potentially other viruses with pandemic potential.

Cover page of Type 1 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Incidence, Adherence, and Drug Resistance in Individuals Taking Daily Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate for HIV-1 Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: Pooled Analysis From 72 Global Studies

Type 1 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Incidence, Adherence, and Drug Resistance in Individuals Taking Daily Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate for HIV-1 Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: Pooled Analysis From 72 Global Studies



Oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (F/TDF) has high efficacy against HIV-1 acquisition. Seventy-two prospective studies of daily oral F/TDF PrEP were conducted to evaluate HIV-1 incidence, drug resistance, adherence, and bone and renal safety in diverse settings.


HIV-1 incidence was calculated from incident HIV-1 diagnoses after PrEP initiation and within 60 days of discontinuation. Tenofovir concentrations in dried blood spots (DBS), drug resistance, and bone/renal safety indicators were evaluated in a subset of studies.


Among 17 274 participants, there were 101 cases with new HIV-1 diagnosis (.77 per 100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI]: .63-.94). In 78 cases with resistance data, 18 (23%) had M184I or V, 1 (1.3%) had K65R, and 3 (3.8%) had both mutations. In 54 cases with tenofovir concentration data from DBS, 45 (83.3%), 2 (3.7%), 6 (11.1%), and 1 (1.9%) had average adherence of <2, 2-3, 4-6, and ≥7 doses/wk, respectively, and the corresponding incidence was 3.9 (95% CI: 2.9-5.3), .24 (.060-.95), .27 (.12-.60), and .054 (.008-.38) per 100 person-years. Adherence was low in younger participants, Hispanic/Latinx and Black participants, cisgender women, and transgender women. Bone and renal adverse event incidence rates were 0.69 and 11.8 per 100 person-years, respectively, consistent with previous reports.


Leveraging the largest pooled analysis of global PrEP studies to date, we demonstrate that F/TDF is safe and highly effective, even with less than daily dosing, in diverse clinical settings, geographies, populations, and routes of HIV-1 exposure.

Cover page of A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Pharmacists' Readiness to Provide Long-Acting Injectable HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in California

A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Pharmacists' Readiness to Provide Long-Acting Injectable HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in California



Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake remains low among people who could benefit, some of whom may prefer alternatives to oral PrEP, such as long-acting injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (LAI-PrEP). We evaluated the potential for LAI-PrEP provision in pharmacies through a mixed methods study of pharmacists in California, where Senate Bill 159 enables pharmacists to independently provide oral PrEP.


In 2022-2023, we conducted an online cross-sectional survey of California pharmacists and pharmacy students (n = 919) and in-depth interviews with pharmacists (n = 30), both of which included modules assessing attitudes about PrEP provision. Using log-binomial regression, we estimated prevalence ratios (PRs) comparing survey participants' willingness to provide LAI-PrEP by pharmacy- and individual-level characteristics. Qualitative interview data were analyzed using Rapid Qualitative Analysis to identify factors that may affect pharmacists' provision of LAI-PrEP.


Half of the survey participants (53%) indicated that they would be willing to administer LAI-PrEP using gluteal injection in their pharmacy. Willingness was higher among participants who worked in pharmacies that provided vaccinations or other injections (56% vs. 46%; PR: 1.2; 95% confidence interval: 1.0-1.4) and/or oral PrEP under Senate Bill 159 (65% vs. 51%; PR: 1.3; 95% confidence interval: 1.1-1.5) than among participants whose pharmacies did not. Interviewed participants reported barriers to LAI-PrEP provision, including the need for increased training and staffing, a private room for gluteal injections, better medication access, and payment for services.


Pharmacies offer a promising setting for increased LAI-PrEP access. However, pharmacists may require additional training, resources, and policy changes to make implementation feasible.

Managing HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Help-Seeking Behaviors on a Social Media Forum


Although numerous editorials claim the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted vulnerable populations, particularly those affected by HIV, these claims have received limited empirical evaluation. We analyzed posts to Reddit's r/HIVAIDS from January 3, 2012 through April 30, 2022 to (a) assess changes in the volume of posts during the pandemic and (b) determine the needs of HIV affected communities. There were cumulatively 100% (95%CI: 75-126) more posts than expected since the US declared a pandemic emergency. The most prevalent themes in these posts were for obtaining an HIV + diagnosis (representing 34% (95%CI:29-40) of all posts), seeking HIV treatment (20%; 95%CI:16-25), finding psychosocial support (16%; 95%CI:12-20), and tracking disease progression (8%; 95%CI:5-11). Discussions about PrEP and PEP were the least common, representing less than 6% of all posts each. Social media has increasingly become an important health resource for vulnerable populations seeking information, advice, and support. Public health organizations should recognize how the lay public uses social media and collaborate with social media companies to ensure that the needs of help-seekers on these platforms are met.

Cover page of Facilitators of PrEP Persistence among Black and Latinx Transgender Women in a PrEP Demonstration Project in Southern California

Facilitators of PrEP Persistence among Black and Latinx Transgender Women in a PrEP Demonstration Project in Southern California


Black and Latinx transgender women in the United States (U.S.) are at disproportionately high risk for HIV. Although HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) reduces the risk of HIV infection, uptake and persistence (i.e., ability to continue taking PrEP over time) can be a challenge for Black and Latinx transgender women due to myriad social and structural forces. In this qualitative study, we present unique data on the facilitators of PrEP persistence from Black and Latinx transgender women who initiated PrEP and exhibited varying levels of persistence during a demonstration project in Southern California. PrEP persistence was assessed by collecting quantitative intracellular tenofovir-diphosphate (TFV-DP) levels on dried blood spot (DBS) samples collected at weeks 12 and 48. Informed by the socioecological framework, we conducted and analyzed interviews using qualitative content analysis to determine themes on the facilitators of PrEP persistence. Individual-level facilitators included the use of reminders, having high individual-level HIV risk perception, feeling empowered to take PrEP, and reporting having improved peace of mind and mental health because of taking PrEP. Interpersonal/Community-level facilitators included feeling motivation to prevent HIV in the community, motivation to prevent HIV in the context of sex work, and having high community-level risk perception. Structural-level facilitators included having positive experiences in affirming healthcare settings and having PrEP visits combined with other gender-related healthcare visits. Interventions aiming to increase PrEP uptake and persistence among Black and Latinx transgender women in the U.S. should harness the multiple levels of support exhibited by those who were able to start and persist on PrEP in the face of the myriad social and structural barriers.

Cover page of The impact of intimate partner violence on PrEP adherence among U.S. Cisgender women at risk for HIV

The impact of intimate partner violence on PrEP adherence among U.S. Cisgender women at risk for HIV



Cisgender women account for 1 in 5 new HIV infections in the United States, yet remain under-engaged in HIV prevention. Women experiencing violence face risk for HIV due to biological and behavioral mechanisms, and barriers to prevention, such as challenges to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention (PrEP) adherence. In this analysis, we aim to characterize intimate partner violence (IPV) among cisgender heterosexual women enrolled in a PrEP demonstration project and assess the associations with PrEP adherence.


Adherence Enhancement Guided by Individualized Texting and Drug Levels (AEGiS) was a 48-week single-arm open-label study of PrEP adherence in HIV-negative cisgender women in Southern California (N = 130) offered daily tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine (TDF/FTC). From 6/2016 to 10/2018, women completed a survey reporting HIV risk behavior and experiences of any IPV (past 90-days) and IPV sub-types (past-year, lifetime) and biological testing for HIV/STIs at baseline, and concentrations of tenofovir-diphosphate (TFV-DP) in dried blood spots at weeks 4, 12, 24, 36, and 48. Outcomes were TFV-DP concentrations consistent with ≥ 4 or ≥ 6 doses/week at one or multiple visits. Multivariable logistic regression models were conducted to examine associations.


Past-90-day IPV was reported by 34.4% of participants, and past-year and lifetime subtypes reported by 11.5-41.5%, and 21.5-52.3%, respectively. Women who engaged in sex work and Black women were significantly more likely to report IPV than others. Lifetime physical IPV was negatively associated with adherence at ≥ 4 doses/week at ≥ 3 of 5 visits, while other relationships with any IPV and IPV sub-types were variable.


IPV is an indication for PrEP and important indicator of HIV risk; our findings suggest that physical IPV may also negatively impact long-term PrEP adherence.

Clinical trials registration

NCT02584140 (, registered 15/10/2015.

Cover page of Determinants of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Retention among Transgender Women: A Sequential, Explanatory Mixed Methods Study

Determinants of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Retention among Transgender Women: A Sequential, Explanatory Mixed Methods Study


Transgender women (TW) face inequities in HIV and unique barriers to PrEP, an effective biomedical intervention to prevent HIV acquisition. To improve PrEP retention among TW, we examined factors related to retention using a two-phase, sequential explanatory mixed methods approach. In Phase I, we used data from a trial of 170 TW who were provided oral PrEP to examine predictors of 24-week retention. In Phase II, we conducted 15 in-depth interviews with PrEP-experienced TW and used thematic analysis to explain Phase I findings. In Phase I, more participants who were not retained at 24 weeks reported sex work engagement (18% versus 7%) and substantial/severe drug use (18% versus 8%). In Phase II, participants reported drug use as a barrier to PrEP, often in the context of sex work, and we identified two subcategories of sex work. TW engaged in "non-survival sex work" had little difficulty staying on PrEP, while those engaged in "survival sex work" struggled to stay on PrEP. In Phase I, fewer participants not retained at 24 weeks reported gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) use (56% versus 71%). In Phase II, participants prioritized medical gender affirmation services over PrEP but also described the bidirectional benefits of accessing GAHT and PrEP. TW who engaged in "survival sex work" experience barriers to PrEP retention (e.g., unstable housing, drug use) and may require additional support to stay in PrEP care.

Targeting host deoxycytidine kinase mitigates Staphylococcus aureus abscess formation


Host-directed therapy (HDT) is an emerging approach to overcome antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic microorganisms. Specifically, HDT targets host-encoded factors required for pathogen replication and survival without interfering with microbial growth or metabolism, thereby eliminating the risk of resistance development. By applying HDT and a drug repurposing approach, we demonstrate that (R)-DI-87, a clinical-stage anti-cancer drug and potent inhibitor of mammalian deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), mitigates Staphylococcus aureus abscess formation in organ tissues upon invasive bloodstream infection. Mechanistically, (R)-DI-87 shields phagocytes from staphylococcal death-effector deoxyribonucleosides that target dCK and the mammalian purine salvage pathway-apoptosis axis. In this manner, (R)-DI-87-mediated protection of immune cells amplifies macrophage infiltration into deep-seated abscesses, a phenomenon coupled with enhanced pathogen control, ameliorated immunopathology, and reduced disease severity. Thus, pharmaceutical blockade of dCK represents an advanced anti-infective intervention strategy against which staphylococci cannot develop resistance and may help to fight fatal infectious diseases in hospitalized patients.