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Open Access Publications from the University of California


Welcome to the College of Environmental Design. We work on all scales of the built environment--from individual buildings to global environmental systems. The college combines design, research, and social factors into a powerful design activism that has been at work for over 100 years.

College of Environmental Design

There are 1471 publications in this collection, published between 1983 and 2024.
Department of City & Regional Planning - Open Access Policy Deposits (6)

Social drivers of vulnerability to wildfire disasters: A review of the literature

The increase of wildfire disasters globally has highlighted the need to understand and mitigate human vulnerability to wildfire. In response, there has been a substantial uptick in efforts to characterize and quantify wildfire vulnerability. Such efforts have largely focused on quantifying potential wildfire exposure and frequently overlooked the individual and community vulnerability to wildfire. Here, we review the emergent literature on social vulnerability to wildfire by synthesizing factors related to exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity that contribute to a population's or community's overall vulnerability to wildfires. We identify how those factors subsequently affect an individual's or community's agency to enact change, and highlight that many of the current paradigms for reducing wildfire vulnerability fail to acknowledge and address the importance of inequalities that create differential vulnerability. We suggest that paying attention to the systems and conditions that give rise to such vulnerability can ameliorate these shortcomings by centering solutions which address adaptation equity rather than landscape outcomes.

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Department of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning - Open Access Policy Deposits (2)
